As we wrap up the first week of Albion Online, we faced a couple of setbacks in our plan due to the poor launch that SBI had but we’re now on an upswing from those setbacks. On day 1, SBI had a terrible launch that left a lot of people in the dark — literally! Black screens of death were everywhere and folks could not zone from one area to the next without hitting the “dark” end of that issue. Myself included. The original plan was to have me head straight to Caerleon to secure plots as I had the most accumulated gold of all of us — well over 500k. The backup plan was to have Eckhart head straight to Bridgewatch (a town we were the most familiar with from the last beta test) and secure plots there ASAP. If we got our plots in Caerleon, the plan was to sell the plots in Bridgewatch for 1 mil each right away. That plan worked brilliantly except for ONE BIG ISSUE — I did not get credited all the gold I was due once the server reset. I only got 114k and I didn’t even get my LPs. Another issue that prevented us from getting the plots we wanted was the lag and black screens — once I got to Caerleon the lag of selling gold there was almost at a dead stop. We made the executive decision to just stick with Bridgewatch since Eckhart managed to secure those plots. The good news was, we got 14 plots secured. So off I went to start setting up our shops.