Chapter Established: 04/25/2015
In April of 2015, The Last Prophecy has launched our Final Fantasy XIV chapter that currently has over 100 members and counting. Focused on raid content and crafting, this guild supports a variety of teams and players, be they casual, progressive, or hard-core. With the flexible 8 man system in the game, there is no team that is turned down so long as they participate, meet consistently, and work to achieve their goals. Currently we have teams that are progressing at a focused speed through the latest end game raids, without dropping leadership support of our members and teams with a more relaxed approach to their end game progression.
In addition to team play, the guild supports casual and solo players by giving them access to a variety of tools in game and on our website to document their adventures in blogs, streams, YouTube channels, and various social media. We have a lot of Final Fantasy lore junkies who like to share their adventures within the game as well as other Final Fantasy titles with each other. We also support new players with access to a variety of guides and members who love to introduce the world of Final Fantasy to others. Crafting is a also a very important part of the game so we’re constantly looking for more crafters and for members to donate the materials needed for our Free Company housing and various projects.
Finally, our chapter supports many opportunities for gaming leadership. Assistance is provided for those simply interested in forming and leading an 8-man team, or for those looking to rise into the ranks of officer and beyond. Our guild leadership experience for the chapter is extensive, spanning over two decades of learning and growing as a cohesive community. We plan to identify and train new leaders within the Final Fantasy XIV community to help make this a better gaming experience for everyone in our chapter and affiliated chapters.
Overall, the TLP-FFXIV chapter is committed to engaging in every aspect of the game that members are interested in, while sharing and enjoying each other’s company. From PVE, to PVP, to crafting, we want to fully immerse in the experience, while forging and maintaining real life friendships between our guild mates. We are nearly always logged into our Discord channels and communicate frequently outside of the game as well, either in person or via our Facebook and website connections. We keep our gaming activities well scheduled and organized so that way we can easily transition from enjoying the game to enjoying our real lives. Many of us have met in person, and we are very much a family and treat our members as such, and expect our members to treat each other the same way.