TLP’s League of Legends team is helmed by Phylenia, as Team Master… which is sort of the same as a Guildmaster would be to an MMO guild. The team master is responsible for coordinating teams, handling issues, and scouting great talent. They will hold monthly tryouts for applicants to join our “Bench”, which is where teams pull from to fill in spots for their teams. From there as team spots become available, the team master facilitates the contracts with each of the team members. As more bench players are added, the possibility of more teams being formed grows higher and higher. The team master then can select the Team Leaders for any new teams that are formed.
Team Leaders and Team Members are contractually bound to represent #TeamTLP in all ways — from their streams to the League Championship Series — usually on a six month roll out. TLP will support its competitive teams as they climb into Challenger Competitions with social media, core marketing, business management, legal representation, and financial backing for the duration of their roll outs.
Latest News for Our Team

TLP Seeks Strong LoL Analyst to Join #TeamTLP
Wanna Be Competitive? Learn how…
Step 1: The Right Attitude
In a game that throws a thousand cuts to anyone that tries to play it in the ranked circles, it’s important to us for our teams to have the right attitude. TLP will not tolerate racist, sexist, offensive, or dismissive remarks from any of its Diamond to Challenger teams. So while in the trenches this is something that is prevalent in the LoL circles, it is not something that is prevalent here. So your attitudes need to change and the way you approach games needs to change. Let’s face it, LoL fosters a toxicity that is not found in most games and it’s the competitive nature of the game that breeds this type of attitude.
We expect Team Leads to promote a healthy competitive environment within their teams and report any issues that may happen to the Team Manager. We also expect team members (those in roster and those on our bench) to have a good attitude and leave the negativity to others. This means for a lot of us, it’s about having a thick skin and not engaging when provoked or baited. We know that’s tough to do in the confines of LoL. But it is something we must strive for.
Step 2: Practice Makes Near Perfect
You’ve heard the phrase over and over but it’s so relevant here. Nothing will come to you without putting in the hard work. That means you have to play ranked — win, lose, or draw. Practice does make you more confident, gets you a thicker skin, and does increase your skill level. But this also does not always happen overnight. You have to be willing to put the time in… and often that means a few years. So yeah its not a quick process.
You also have to be mindful that no matter how good you are, there is always someone that’s bound to be better. In TLP, we believe perfection to be a fool’s quest and when you think you know everything, you will not be open to learning something new. So keep your wits about you and keep your cockiness in check!
Step 3: Be Seasoned
Be seasoned means, spending a few seasons on the bench… playing as backup to teams that need it, playing with other bench team members, or just simply solo-queuing into ranked games but committing to an entire season of LoL. The more seasons you have under your belt the better. And diversify! Sure you may be your very best at playing a certain type of class or in a certain lane or with a certain character…. but that doesn’t make you well rounded and Diamond to Challenger teams need their team members to be well rounded and versatile.
Step 4: Patience & Perseverance
So you want to be in the League Championship Series, yes? Well that’s just not going to happen tomorrow. You have to have patience and you also need to have the initiative to make this endeavor something you commit to and sustain. If you do have the patience it takes, you will do very well in LoL and we will see you on the LCS stage one day. But for now, it’s really about commitment and doing what you say you are going to do. If you are going to be online at 7 PM ready for matches, then BE online at 6:45 PM ready to do matches! Persevere if you find that you are the only one on, do not just log off… stay the course, keep pushing yourself, be the example.
If you find folks that you enjoy playing with that are also part of the bench, do not be afraid to approach the Team Master and make a new team. We will champion it if you can lead it! We will throw all our support behind it just as any of our other teams. Trust us… if you build it, they will come! Again a little patience, a little perseverance… goes a long long way.