Leaders Tools

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Mission Statement

A single sentence that embodies who we are, who we want to be, and where we’re headed.  All chapters MUST hold this statement true in all they do.

Chapter Setup

Information on how to properly apply for and set up a chapter with the approval of TLP Gaming.  No chapters can exist outside appropriate approval because of our copyrights and trademarks.

Guild Charters

Guild charters are the rulebook by which all chapters operate.  They define leaderships roles as needed by each specific game.

General Guild Rules

A general guide about our guild rules for all our chapters and teams.

Leadership Manuals

Manuals for all types of leaders within TLP guilds or teams.  This is a basic guideline and each chapter must define their own roles in the charter.

Mergers & Acquisitions

Learn how to navigate a merger or an acquisition in order to protect our guild, our members, and those folks coming into TLP, too.

Method of Process

A process of escalation to resolving issues and conflicts.

Required Meetings

A list of required meetings that you must try, barring real life events, to make as a leader of a TLP chapter.

Streaming Information

All the information that is needed to get a member started with streaming on behalf of TLP.

Mission Statement

“To provide a safe, openly diverse environment for all our members to play, share, and interact with each other leading to lasting lifelong friendships.”

– Danitsia, Founder of TLP

Chapter Setup

Prepare Your Charter

Establish the First Trinity

Submit your Charter

Establish the Guild in Game

Establish Additional Roles

Use One of These Sample Charter Templates
The “First Trinity” comprises of:
1) a Guildmaster,
2) a Senior Officer with 1+ years of experience, and
3) a Senior Officer that the guildmaster trusts, regardless of experience.Each of the selected folks must have an interview with the founders.
Once you have your charter completed, you will need to submit it to us via email. We review it and either approve or deny the chapter.
Email Charter
Once your charter is approved, you can set up the guild in game. You must set it up with the full guild name of:
“The Last Prophecy”
If you are allowed abbreviations for guild tags, those should be:“TLP”
Look through the Leadership Manuals below and find positions for officers that you may need in your chapter. One of the required roles, which a SO can fulfill, is Recruitment Officer.
Written by Danitsia

Guild Charters

Your Charter here!

TLP New World

TLP World of Warcraft

TLP Final Fantasy XIV



Cips and Danitsia
Xenohart and Lan

Guild Rules

  • No excessive trolling in public or private channels; avoid personal attacks on others at all costs.
  • No use of derogatory words in public or private channels; especially the “Words Off Limits”.
  • No willful interruption or malicious actions towards other groups/guilds even when provoked; just walk away. (An Eye for an Eye Leaves Everyone Blind)
  • No griefing players in PvP encounters. We PvP with Honor in this guild.
  • No rage quitting raids/events. Other folks count on you to be there!
  • If you say you are going to be there, be there — barring RL circumstances.
  • Scheduled events require all members to be prepared & ready to participate at call time.
  • Engage in guild chat, voice chat, and all our other social media avenues to stay CONNECTED with other TLP community members.

Each chapter can add to or otherwise shuffle around guild rules that make sense for their chapters, as defined in the guild charter.

Leadership Manuals

Guild Leadership Structure


Asst. or Co-Guildmasters

PDF Version of Guild Leadership StructureHTML Version of Guild Leadership Structure This is true for all chapters that retain our tag and operate within this community. All official chapters of TLP should have their structure set up similarly to this.
Any Senior Officer of a past or current chapter with a minimum of TWO YEARS of service as SO can request to form a new guild in a new game. They take on great responsibility to ensure that we run these guilds in accordance to our mission statement and with the established organization and structure that has been proved tried and true.
To qualify to be AGM or CGM, we require you have been a member of TLP for TWO YEARS, minimum OR have served as either a RL, CL, Officer, or Senior Officer in a prior chapter.
Originally Written By Demonic & Danitsia
Last Updated by Danitsia on 7/2/16
Originally Written By Demonic & Danitsia
Last Updated by Danitsia on 8/20/15
Originally Written By Demonic & Danitsia
Last Updated by Danitsia on 8/20/15

Senior Officers

Recruitment Officers

Alliance Officers

To qualify to be a Senior Officer, you must have held a council or leadership role prior in another chapter or guild for at least ONE YEAR, minimum.
Recruitment of new friends is vital to the life of any guild. This position requires a certain level of forwardness and an outgoing personality.
Alliances have always been important to TLP, back since our DAoC days. Building strong connections with other guilds is imperative for our longevity in any game we play.
Originally Written By Demonic & Danitsia
Last Updated by Danitsia on 8/20/15
Originally Written By Demonic & Danitsia
Last Updated by Danitsia on 8/20/15
Originally Written By Demonic & Danitsia
Last Updated by Danitsia on 8/20/15

Class Leader Officers

Raiding or PvE Officers

Warring or PvP Officers

Class Leader Officers control the lot of class leaders that are appointed to help members navigate that particular class. A Class Leader Officer must know a lot about multiple classes and be able to step in when a class leader is away from the game.  Anyone that wants to be a class leader would apply with them.
Raiding or PvE Officers are concentrated on pretty much ONE thing — getting our members to end-game PvE content.  They manage the raid leaders and raid assistants for each raiding group and must be able to step in when raid leaders and/or assistants are away from the game.  Anyone that wants to be a raid leader or raid assistant would apply with them.
The same way that Raiding Officers are concerned with end-game PvE content, a Warring or PvP Officer is solely concentrated on end-game PvP content.  They would manage the squad leaders and/or team leaders for specific PvP goals. Anyone that wants to be a squad and/or team leader would apply with them.
Originally Written By Danitsia
Last Updated by Danitsia on 5/12/16
Originally Written By Danitsia
Last Updated by Danitsia on 5/12/16
Originally Written By Danitsia
Last Updated by Danitsia on 5/12/16

Content Officers

Merit Officers

Community Officers

Content Officers handle all web content for the chapter including posts on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Flickr, etc. etc. for up-to-date information on the chapter and its activities.  Content Officers are also in charge of posting and updating guild events on all our media.
For TLP chapters that use a DKP systems, the Merit Officer is in charge of operating that system and keeping up to date records for members’ use.

For Merit Systems, we currently use EQDKP 2.0 as the system of record.  This is a separate system from our websites.

Community Officers are dedicated to providing fun, team building events for their respective chapters that exist outside of traditional game objectives.  They work with the Web Content Officer, and often hold both roles, to post and update events to our chapter website. A CO differs from a Community Manager in the sense that they are solely focused on their respective chapter.
Originally Written By Danitsia
Last Updated by Danitsia on 7/2/16
Originally Written By Danitsia
Last Updated by Danitsia on 5/12/16
Originally Written By Danitsia
Last Updated by Danitsia on 5/12/16

Property Officers

Streaming Officers

RP Development Officers

Property or Housing Officers are dedicated to enhancing, accommodating, organizing, or otherwise progressing the guild’s housing or territories. The Property/Housing Officer will plan and build out the guild’s buildings and/or shops, lands, trades, ships, etc. — whatever the game calls for.
TLP has a rather large stream team made up of varying streamers from the professional to the casual.  The Streaming Officer is first and foremost a streamer/content creator themselves that regularly streams/videos content for their respective chapter.  The Streaming Officer provides new members or members of interest with initial setups and assistance for members of that chapter and works with the NA Stream Manager or EU Stream Manager (depending on the member’s physical region) to help our members thrive on Twitch/YouTube.
For our Role Playing chapters, the RP Development Officer serves as “dungeon master” for storylines and plots within their role play.
Originally Written By Danitsia
Last Updated by Danitsia on 5/12/16
Originally Written By Danitsia
Last Updated by Danitsia on 5/12/16
Originally Written By Danitsia
Last Updated by Danitsia on 5/12/16

 Council Members (Not Officers)

Class Leaders and Role Leaders

Raid Leaders and Raid Assistants

Squad or Team Leaders

Class Leaders are Council Members that specialize in one particular class to learn any and all aspects of that class.  Class Leaders are recommended to not take on more than ONE CLASS at a time, but it’s possible for certain games for them to multi-class.

Role Leaders are Council Members that specialize in a specific role — tank, healer, damage, support — within a raiding instance.  This role is only required if a game calls for one, such as in WoW or FFXIV.

Class Leaders work with Role Leaders to ensure that loot is distributed properly.  In chapters where we use a “Loot Council” rather than Merit, the Class Leader organizes the vote for that class’ loot.

These positions are NOT officer roles and they report directly to the Class Leader Officer.

Raid Leaders are strategists. They research and study potential avenues for downing end-game PvE content and then lead the rest of us through that instance/raid.  They are largely responsible for the progression of the guild.

Raid Assistants are record keepers and loot distributionists.  They do all the invites to the raid groups, they set themselves as master looter where applicable, they keep track of merit point deductions and gains where applicable, and work closely with Class Leaders & Role Leaders for appropriate loot distribution.

These positions are NOT officer roles and they report directly to the Raiding/PvE Officer.

Squad Leaders are also strategists but with PvP in mind. They research and study potential avenues for downing end-game PvP content such as battlegrounds or large Realm vs. Realm or Guild vs. Guild events. They lead a squad or raid of PvP’ers to victory.

Team Leaders are PvP’ers that have that small group proficiency in instanced game play.  When it comes to 2v2 or 3v3 or 5v5, etc. much like MOBAs (multiplayer online battle arenas).  They concentrate on leading their team to championship glory.

Originally Written By Danitsia
Last Updated by Danitsia on 5/12/16
Originally Written By Danitsia
Last Updated by Danitsia on 5/12/16
Originally Written By Danitsia
Last Updated by Danitsia on 5/12/16

Special Members (Not Council)

Senior or Elder Members

Apprentice Members


Senior or Elder Members are members that have either previously served as officers or have been in the guild for a period of at least 6 months. Meaning they have had a significant stay with us and/or have played with us in various chapters of this guild. Their advice, suggestions, and concerns are of our utmost importance.
Apprentices are full members (or above) that wish to help the guild in very specific positions and/or wish to learn the guild’s structure, rules, ranks, etc. to eventually become part of the Leadership.  Apprentices do not HAVE to become officers, they can choose to stay as apprentices to do just their assigned tasks.
Originally Written By Danitsia
Last Updated by Danitsia on 5/12/16
Originally Written By Xenohart
Last Updated by Danitsia on 00/00/00

Mergers and Acquisitions


Mergers happen when an entire guild, with all its leaders and members, seeks to dissolve their guild and join TLP.  This requires some due diligence on our part because we must ensure our members, our guilds, are protected. We must ensure that everyone that comes into our guild understand how we operate and acclimates to our leaders and structure. This can be a hard process for these folks and we must respect their feelings.


Acquisitions happen when a large group of people leave their old guild to come to TLP.  These can be tricky and to navigate this you should seek the advice of Senior Officers and above.  Sometimes these types of mergers happen after a tumultuous time in the old guild and we must be mindful of not only the new members feelings and trepidation but also the old guild’s feelings.

Below is what we expect our leaders to achieve during this process.

Before During After
Multiple meetings with leaders. Set 1 Merging Leader as Officer for every 20 players.  Merging leaders can only be set as first tier Officers.
Minimum of two weeks of co-mingled events. Members get placed as “Full Members” not trials.  Ranks above that must be earned through time.
Merging members must register on our website. Tag them properly in Discord as TLP Members.  Schedule an extra “fun” event for a few months.
Tag merging members in Discord as TLP Allies. Officers need to be online and available.

Method of Process

Escalation in our guild follows a certain structure when encountering issues among its members.

The guild policy to date centers around INTENT. If the intent is to push buttons, cause discomfort, or otherwise slander a person or group, we have been known to immediately REMOVE said person from this guild, without escalation. Just a GKICK in the pants.  But even though that can still happen, traditionally we follow a “Three Strikes” rule and that goes as follows:

1st Offense: Warning made through mail messages and/or private messages.
2nd Offense: 1:1 with the Guild Leaders, possibly a 3 day suspension from guild chat & TeamSpeak/Discord.
3rd Offense: 1:1 with the Founders, possibly a GKICK.

After that it’s an immediate GKICK.

Escalation that concerns a SENIOR OFFICER or above, needs to include the following:

  1. A verbal warning must be given directly to the leader directly either in game or through TeamSpeak.  An INCIDENT REPORT with associated screenshots must be recorded on our forums for that first verbal warning.
  2. If a second incident occurs, REPLY to the first incident report and that person gets a 7 day suspension from all guild activities.
  3. If a third incident occurs, REPLY AGAIN to that first incident report and that person gets a demotion from our leadership ranks and all enhanced privileges are removed.
  4. If another incident occurs after this, the member is them removed from this guild/community and all privileges are revoked.

Pro-Tip: ***ALWAYS*** try to include screenshots in everything you do in regards to escalation issues and upload them to our Leaders Forums.

Required Meetings

For SENIOR OFFICERS and ABOVE of all chapters:

  • Attend Chapter Guild-wide Meetings set forth by your guild leader as often as possible.
    • Objective:  Listen & Learn.
    • Meet with individuals that provide feedback after meetings.
  • Attend Leadership Meetings set forth by your guild leader at least ONCE (1x) per month.
    • Objective:  Engage and Improve
    • Feedback:  Provide feedback at meetings to the whole leadership.
  • Attend Global Leadership Meetings set by the Founders at least ONCE (1x) per quarter.
    • Objective:  Listen & Learn.
    • Feedback: Provide feedback directly to the Founders at the meeting and via emails or forum posts.
  • Attend at least ONE (1) Leadership Meeting outside of your own chapter per quarter.
    • Objective:  Listen & Learn.
    • Feedback:  Provide feedback to the GM only.
 For COUNCIL MEMBERS & LEADERSHIP of all chapters:

  • Attend Chapter Guild-wide Meetings set forth by your guild leader as often as possible.
    • Objective:  Listen & Learn.
    • Meet with Senior Officers or above in regard to any key points made during the guild-wide meeting that you did not fully understand.
    • Be available to members in case they have questions or concerns about topics brought up in the guild-wide meetings.
  • Attend Leadership Meetings set forth by your guild leader at least ONCE (1x) per month.
    • Objective:  Engage and Improve
    • Feedback:  Provide feedback at meetings to the whole leadership.
  • OPTIONALLY attend Global Leadership Meetings set by the Founders each quarter.
    • Objective:  Listen & Learn.
    • Feedback: Provide feedback directly to the Founders at the meeting and via emails or forum posts.

Streaming Information

Streamer How-To’s / FAQ’s

Steamers Code Of Conduct

Streamer Application

Got questions on setting up your gear, your green screen, your overlays, your alerts, etc. Read through the FAQ’s! Rules of conduct for all our streamers to follow. All streamers from all teams must adhere to these rules. Want to be a professional streamer? Then you have to apply. Please fill in this application below:
icon_htmlFAQs PDF How-To Videos
YouTube Video on OBSYouTube Video for MooBotYouTube Video for Greenscreen SetupYouTube Video for Lighting Setup
Code of Conduct PDF Written By Leviathan
Last Updated by Danitsia on 8/20/15
Application for Streamers

Approved Streaming Partners

Software To Use

As a company we’re highly invested in being a Twitch AND YouTube partner! Our streamers can choose from either platform, but most only choose one.

Each offers great features and amazing opportunities for partners. Twitch is owned by Amazon, while YouTube is owned by Google.

XSplit Broadcaster And Gamecaster

Getting started with XSplit is easy! Create a FREE account and download the FREE software. Don’t have an account? Register now and start live streaming in minutes! XSplit is free to use, but if you buy an XSplit subscription you get more features! Get your XSplit Personal or Premium license today and unlock crisp HD broadcasts at high FPS and enjoy a wide range of extra features.

Open Broadcasting Software

Open Broadcaster Software is free and open source software for video recording and live streaming. Available in both a single streaming instance and soon to be released a multiplatform support version. OBS MultiPlatform will eventually support many of the advanced requested features not present in the original OBS, such as multiple stream outputs

Download Xplit Download OBS