I created this tiny little house on wheels for Rose and Alfred Brenner who have retired from very lucrative careers. In this 43 year marriage, they have raised 6 children; 4 boys and 2 girls. Alfred was the first in his family to ever graduate college, and it was at college that he met Rose Parker, a vibrant young woman with as he puts it “spunk” and unnatural intelligence. They began as friends, and after a year started dating. They would graduate two years later and as they walked across the stage to get their diploma’s Alfred proposed to his sweetheart. Now after all their kids have grown up, married, and/or began their own lives, the Brenners decided to sell their big, expensive house in Del Sol Valley, and built their own tiny house and settled down in Windenburg. Al had an amazing career as a rocket scientist and published many books on the topic, in addition to holding many patents and giving public speeches on his life as a rocket scientist and astronaut. Rose was a mechanical engineer, also holding many patents of her own, but her children are everything to her and she maintains a very close relationship with all six. Together, they love to travel and pursue their passions — she gardens, he loves to build model trains, planes, and automobiles.
Download this beauty with #moveobjects turned on! Look for it in the gallery under my EA ID: Danitsa_TLP.