Goals for Season 2: Patch 11.1


We’re all bored. Not shade, just facts! After nearly 6 months of Season 1, most of our members are past the endless grind of doing FOUR LEVELS of the same freaking raid, over and over and over and over again. But we still persevered on. We pulled in PUGs to get our 1/8, almost got 2/8 with enough of our TLP members to get actual “guild credit” (you need 11 or more to do so). But after having to suffer long waits to replace PUGs that would drop after a few wipes and the absolute dread that is all that business, many of our raiders and one of our raid leaders decided to take break; full burn out mode.

Yet, still those that were left behind here did try to go at it even if we did not get all of TLP’s raiders together for those kills and we managed to get into some PUGs and down 4/8 in the Mythic raid — not that you can tell from our guild achievements, just our personal ones. But that’s okay. We did start our raiding team a full four weeks after the release of this raid because Cips and I didn’t know if we wanted to fully reform. We decided to try out Nerub-ar Palace and loved it! Then, we made that decision. Of course many of our “old timers” back from the hay days of TLP could not raid on our new Pacific-based time slots, so they decided to stay where they are or not return to the game fully. Others decided to come back anyways. From there we expanded and grew and now we still need to grow a tiny bit more to down that FIRST real boss of a 20m Roster.

That’s kind of been our focus now. Recruitment. I’ve largely done it all by myself, with some help from a few members here and there. But we’re still missing a few key spots. We want a healthy amount of core raiders available for Mythic with weekly reclears of Heroic. We do not want two teams, but rather 1 Mythic team that has several folks that still enjoy raiding Heroic along with other guildies that perhaps are still learning or building up to those teams OR perhaps just have no interest in Mythic-style raiding. So that’s what we’re looking to continue to build for Season 2.

Season 2 PTR testing is going well and I’ve been taking notes of the mechanics of the raid in order to detail those out for members to review. I have personally been playing around with the Priest and Paladin specs, although admittedly I do not mess with the Holy Paladin, like at all. I am excited for Holy, which will still dominate the raid healing specs. In dungeons its still lacking in many ways despite the bump to Prayer of Healing and Renew — it still not worth it for us to spend the talents on them, unfortunately. Discipline seems to still hold court as the King of Dungeon Healers, despite it being a lot harder to rely on what the spec has relied on: SHIELDS. It seems they want to do more direct healing on the spec that is supposed to be more damage-to-heal centric, which just doesn’t make any sense to me. It is however looking REALLY REALLY GOOD for the Mistweaver Monk for dungeons, as far as I can tell from watching it in third person. Shadow STILL sucks, unfortunately. I wish they would rework shadow entirely and give that spec more AOE power — such as bringing back Mind Sear. But…. its always a disappointment with shadow.

As for our goals for Season 2 as a whole… we want to target the following achievements:

  • Ahead of the Curve (AOTC) for all raiding members.
  • Cutting Edge (CE) for all Mythic-level raiding members.
  • At least ONE Mythic+ team that can clear +15s consistently and makes a push for higher.
  • Start a weekend PvP League in cooperation with other PvP-centric guilds that focuses on BGs.

As for when Season 2 will arrive — I am placing my bets for the last week of February to the first week of March. We’ll see if I guess correctly!

<3 Dani

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