Guild Progress Updates – November 2024

Team, I’ve discussed our focus shifting to Mythic with our raid leaders and this is where we are at with the progress for our raiding teams.

As of today, we have killed all bosses in heroic with the exception of Queen as a full guild group. For a guild that’s NOT full of hardcore raiders, that’s pretty darn good. Especially since we started with 4/8 at the beginning of the month and managed to up our kill count by 3 to 7/8. But Queen Ansurek is such a complicated fight. Its mechanically intensive and as someone with physical limitations, I can tell you that it will take a while for some of us to be able to execute those mechanics with a certain level of consistency. But we’ve wanted to be raiding Mythic by December and we are going to do just that, even if we haven’t found our permanent raid members just yet. How? Well… I am glad you asked.

Starting in December, we will be opening our Heroic Raids to PUGs because as it stands right now recruitment is very difficult due to two big factors: (a) we’re a Pacific Time based guild and there just aren’t many players available, and (b) players want to raid the Mythic content and there aren’t folks available to recruit that will join a guild that isn’t currently raiding Mythic. The logic is that as we still work to build up our permanent teams, we can better recruit folks from PUGS that are clearing the content we’re intending to clear ourselves. As such, a few of our normal loot rules will have to change up to accommodate for PUGs and we will once again go back to OPEN ROLLS, however there will be some ways that we can increase our guildies’ chances at that loot.

In order to really work on that muscle memory and get comfortable with mechanics of today’s WoW, we really need to get more intentional and pro-active about getting guild groups together to clear Mythic+ dungeons. It will help us get better at our classes. As such we’re moving the Normal Raid to Tuesdays at 7 PM Pacific — it doesn’t take us more than 1 hour to clear it — and making SUNDAYS our M+ grind days. Teams that are currently running are my team, Team Freyja, which is our entrance team. We’re running M+0 to M+4 to help guildies learn the routes and the mechanics of each of these instances. Team Loki, which is led by Cips, is focused on getting folks from M+5 to M+10, and you can stay in that team if all you want to do is farm Myth gear and get Gilded crests. Team Thor and Team Odin are reserved for those guildies that want to chase that 1% title and are capable of doing +11 keys and up — they’ll be our key pushers. Sundays will start our M+ grinds at 2 PM Pacific and run all day/night long until the team calls it for the night.

The goal for this push into M+ is to acquire the MYTH level gear we need to make our way into Mythic raiding much more do-able by upping our iLvls collectively as a guild. But we’re not deluding ourselves into thinking that we will kill Mythic Queen, that’s for much more hardcore raiders than we currently have, however — its still the vision for TLP to build.

We are still all working towards ONE GOAL:

Season 2 has always been the vision as we’re a RETURNING guild that did not have many members in it at the start of The War Within.

If anyone has any questions in regard to any of these updates, please do reach out to Danitsia | Maria, Cips | Jake, Wolfboy (Azure | Woofboy), or Meztlitotol (Mez | Necessities) on Discord.

<3 Dani

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