Team, I’ve talked it over with our raid leaders, and here are the updates we’ve agreed on for our raiding teams.
We have done a lot of good things together for a guild that is casual. We have cleared Normal Nerub-ar Palace, 8/8, and have started the journey into Heroic Nerub-ar Palace, killing 4/8 bosses in our first week in there. But we have 4 very difficult bosses to down in this instance and we’re not cutting it with our DPS and HPS, save for some that stand out above the rest. As such, we’re going to have to tighten up the requirements needed to join the HEROIC Raiding Team: Prophets. Some folks may be benched if they are not working on getting better with every raid.
As of NEXT reset (November 5th, 2024), we will be moving our NORMAL Nerub-ar Palace runs to SUNDAY AFTERNOONS at 4 PM Pacific / 8 PM Eastern starting November 10th for a max of three hours. I will be leading those efforts as PUBLIC raids, open to all guildies, allies, and friends on Danilynn, my paladin, and may have our raid leaders help me on their alts. This team will become Team Demi Gods and all guildies are welcomed to bring alts to these raids or their mains if they still need the crests and so on. This is a great way to recruit and make new friends for us. It is also COMPLETELY OPTIONAL for members.
Heroic NP will remain a Wednesday & Friday night commitment from anyone that wants to remain on our progression team chasing Ahead of the Curve (AOTC). We ask that folks be able to stay the duration of the raid times for those days, meaning from 8 PM to 11 PM Pacific. If you sign up to our Prophets Teams, you agree to try to be there for the duration of the raid.
By end of the year, we will be promoting members (only those that want to chase Cutting Edge (CE) and have the specs/meters/iLvL) from Prophets into our new Mythic Raiding team, the Olympians. There will be no open signup for this team. We will do our best to kill Mythic Queen, but will not be hardcore pushing for it. However, Season 2 will launch sometime in Feb or March, and with it will come another NEW raid. This team will be hopefully set to chase CE right away on that new raid.
Both Team Prophets and Team Olympians will run on Wednesdays/Fridays at 8 PM to 11 PM Pacific, concurrent to each other. Olympians will NOT poach from Prophet’s roster to fill gaps without coordination with the guildie and Prophets’ Raid Management & Leaders. However, Prophets can poach from Demi God’s roster at will because that’s what that public team is created for; a feeder team.
While the requirements for NORMAL are minimal and we did NOT fuss too much with specs or HPS/DPS numbers, that will change come HEROIC and of course MYTHIC difficulties. We will bench folks who are not bringing the desired specs of their classes, and will be last to invite. Below is a standard raid roster for 11.0.5, and course these are subject to change come new patches, etc. What we have done is study Warcraft Logs for the raids in those difficulties and chose the lowest DPS/HPS numbers of the top 10 players for each boss. This is a GOAL, meaning that’s what you need to aim for in order to kill all the bosses for that raid difficulty. You want to be “as close as possible” to these marks to make it or stay in those teams.
For Heroic — raid composition based on Warcraft Logs, sitting at average of 850k DPS & 650k HPS and an iLvl of 611-613 minimums:
For Mythic — raid composition based on Warcraft Logs, sitting at average of 1.3mil DPS & 1mil HPS and an iLvl of 629-631 minimums:
We know how frustrating it can be to bang your head against a boss on progression nights for folks that are not used to that type of hardcore progression. As such, we will limit the number of attempts on any single HEROIC boss to 10 when a boss does not fall below 10% health. Raid leaders will be able to determine if we kick off another attempt is we’re desperately close to a kill and fall under 10% in any attempt.
We figure Mythic team raiders will be more used to pressing on for “wall bosses”, so there isn’t necessary a limit to number of attempts for this team. Its basically DO OR DO NOT, THERE IS NO TRY. ~ Yoda
We have almost always been a Loot Council guild, prior to that we were a eqDKP guild, so once again we will be going back to that method of loot council distribution for Team Olympians (Mythic), when we get there. This means EVERYONE IS TO PASS ON ALL LOOT, 100% of the time. A single RAID ASSISTANT will be designated as “loot master” for this team at the beginning of each raid week.
If a piece drops that is an upgrade for you, YOU MUST link your currently equipped piece in the chat. Those that LINK a piece, resolve to collectively decide who gets that upgrade that will best benefit the overall raid. So, our loot council isn’t some behind the scenes shit that no one understands or gets a say in… its LITERALLY you guys.
I debated applying those same rules to Team Prophets (Heroic), and here is where I have landed with that. OPEN ROLLS will remain in place for as long as we have to add PUGs from LFG, BUT I beg you guys to be NICE to each other. If an upgrade is bigger for your fellow guildie vs. your own, please be considerate of that. If there is a guldie in Prophets that is pushing to be promoted to the Olympians, please be considerate of that. If we get the 25 players required of TAGGED TLP’ers, we will move to the loot council distribution system our guild has always had in place.
We should all be working towards ONE GOAL:
A successful top-tier Mythic Raiding Team for Season 2 that can immediately chase the Cutting Edge (CE) achievement.
And that goes for whether you, yourself, intend to be part of that team or are perfectly happy farming heroic raids at a more casual pace. If you want to read the specifics of our Loot Council Rules, please visit HERE.
If anyone has any questions in regard to any of these updates, please do reach out to Danitsia | Maria, Cips | Jake, Wolfboy (Azure | Woofboy), or Meztlitotol (Mez | Necessities) on Discord.
<3 Dani