Event: One for all, and all for one.
Event Period: 3. March – 22. March (end of day UTC)
Event Description:
• Gather your guild members and take an amazing/fun/exciting/nonsense screenshot to promote your team
• Screenshot must have at least 10 members of the same guild present
• Guild Name must be clearly visible for at least 10 members
• Post your server and your guild’s name along with the screenshot as follows
[ServerName;GuildName] à [Jordine;RocknRoll]
• Circumventing or ignoring any of the above rules may result in a disqualification
Event Winner & Rewards:
• All: 10 000 Guild Skill Experience (This is a one time experience boost for the guild itself and not the members)
Reward Distribution:
• By 24. March
We managed to secure the final spot in this event before they closed the event. All we can do is wait because due to the current photo one of our members was invisible and they may not count us because of this. But looking forward we are eager to participate in any future community events.