We are pleased to announce that our next official chapter will be in the new MMORPG by Amazon Game Studios, New World. It’s been several years since we were able to officially bring our people back together under one roof so we are excited that New World will be the game that “brings the band back together”.
It is really important for us to take a roll call of all our community members that will be launching with us on August 31st, 2021. We have a few tasks that we’re asking our members to do, they are as follows:
1) Vote on the Server of Choice (we have already picked the region of NA East).
2) Provide us some details on what you will be playing.
3) Attend the Launch Planning Meeting on 7/31/21 at 2 PM PST / 5 PM EST / 10 PM GMT on our TLP New World Discord.
Below are some of the current plans and guild management items we’ve put in place (especially because the game does not have good guild management in-game). We will be managing the guild through Google Sheets, much like we did in Albion Online. Once those two things are done, if you have the closed beta, come and join us on Discord and reacquaint yourselves with guildies. It’s been a while!
[TLP New World Guild Info]
Guild Name: The Last Prophecy
Region: NA EAST
Server: TBD
Faction: TBD
Starter Town: Monarch’s Bluff
GM: [GM] Danitsia
Co-GM: [CGM] Valdin
Co-GM: [CGM] Eckhart
Senior Officers: [SO] Zuedra | [SO] Corathan
Playstyle: Moderate
Website: https://tlp-guild.com/nw
Guild Application: https://tlp-guild.com/nw/join/
Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/3Xf3Fp9
Guild Google Calendar: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0?cid=cDU5Z245cjI3a3BsMTI1amg5Z2I5Y2p1YmNAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ
This is the master spreadsheet our leadership will use to manage this guild as the in-game options are TERRIBLE for management. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13CG5bjB7R8LyqcXMGOFhyMFzIJ23BWN2WsTexZErM14/edit?usp=sharing
– Recruitment Officers
– Member Management Officers
– Apprentices
– Death Squad (5v5) PvP Captains
– Faction vs. Faction PvP Captains
Because we are a multi-gaming organization that has existed for over 20 years, many of our ranks are granted at the COMMUNITY level while other ranks affect only the CHAPTER you are playing in. To denote the difference, you will notice there are NUMBERS in front of your name on Discord. That means that you are a rank within the CHAPTER (in this case New World). If you are playing in THIS chapter, you must keep the number in front of your name so that we know you are actively a part of New World. The ranks are as follows:
1 – Guildmaster (there is only one of these per chapter).
2 – Co-Guildmasters (there is a minimum of two per chapter, with a max of six).
3 – Senior Officers (reports to the CGMs and GMs and there are usually a minimum of two per chapter, no max).
4 – Officers (reports to a Senior Officer that aligns with their duties).
5 – Apprentices (reports to Officers that align with their tasks).
6 – Captains (report to Officers and Senior Officers for PvP-based leadership).
7 – Senior Members (any community member that has been with TLP for 2 years+).
8 – Full Members (any community member that has been with TLP for 6 months+).
9 – Trial Members (any NEW member to the community that has been with TLP less than 30 days).
Any tag in your name that starts with [TLP-xxx] are members of the community that are NOT playing with this chapter (meaning tagged with TLP) that are still members of our overall community. For example:
[TLP-F] is our community FOUNDERS (Danitsia, Cips, Demonic, Olorin)
[TLP-CM] is our Community Manager or Social Media Manager.
[TLP-GM] and [TLP-CGM] are our former or current chapter GMs/CGMs of OTHER games.
[TLP-SO] or [TLP-O] are our former or current chapter Senior Officers/Officers of OTHER games.
Facebook Members Only:https://www.facebook.com/groups/TLPMembers/ Please be sure you guys LET US know your FB name to approve you.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TLPGuild
LinkedIN: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-last-prophecy-gaming/