Raid Teams, Yes Plural… Teams

wow-legion-logoFor Legion, we have decided to not only continue onward and push through content with our main weekday raid team, Team Olympians… we are also going to be creating a new raid team that raids on weekends for those of us that either a) have busy work weeks or b) have alts they want to level up.  Dubbed Team Demi Gods, this raid team will run Saturdays and Sundays from 9 PM to 12 AM EST.

Rounding out our new raid team’s leadership will be Charsbarkley as Raiding Officer and Klavin as Raid Leader.  The two of them will work closely together to lead us through successful content progression. Charsbarkley will work on the roster composition, recording attendance, and working with recruitment officers to fill necessary raiding spots. Klavin will focus entirely on strategic boss progression and getting our raiders through content.  If any folks would like to join our new raid team on the weekends, please see Charsbarkley or Klavin to get on the roster’s list of try outs.

For Team Olympians, we are shifting focus from moderate raiding to semi-hardcore raiding. In doing so, there are some spots that have become or will through the course of selection become free for other raiders to apply to as some of our raiders would move to be bench players rather than roster players due to personal time constraints.  This includes myself.  The requirements to join either raid group have gone up to be 840 ilvl and an unlocked 3rd artifact relic slot. This does require members to continuously be working on their main raiding characters, even on off days.  For many of us, that’s an impossibility.  But this will allow us to push for top ranks on our server.  You’ll want to message Vitalizer or Tankymcbones to compete for a spot.

A roster spreadsheet can be found here for all to review.


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