Full Clear Wednesday!

We’d like to congratulate our Team Olympian raiders for a great job in clearing ALL of Heroic HFC in 2.75 hours — from start to finish.  They earned themselves a day off on Thursday night and it was also our last night of raiding in WoD. Onward and upwards to Legion Raiding!  We will NOT be raiding until September 30th as we’re giving our members a month to level and be Raid Ready!  Here is a picture of all of us. 😉  Go #TeamTLP!

Click to view in fullscreen.

First Guild Meeting on 6/21 @ 9 PM EST

Hello folks, please try to make our very first guild meeting on Tuesday 6/21 @ 9 PM EST here on Discord. We will be talking about the following topics:

💥 Raiding — What is needed from us and how many folks will be able to go to HFC normal, what our makeup will be, and who’s going to be leading it.
💥 The Apprentice Program — Want to help but don’t necessary want to be an officer? Be an apprentice. As an apprentice you get one small area of responsibility and focus on just that one.
💥 Legion — What is good, what is bad? Who’s switching mains, etc. Open discussion about goals for Legion.
💥 Suggestion Box — A means to submit anonymous feedback to our entire leadership team (across all chapters!)
💥 Streaming for TLP — A run down of our streaming program and how that works for all that may want to turn gaming into a career (must be 18+ in age!).
💥 Guild Rules —- A review of our guild rules and what is expected of you.
💥 Open Forum —- A few minutes for anyone to give feedback, suggestions, or air concerns.


Please do try to be there! ❤ Dani

Legion Developer Update

Posted by Blizzard Entertainment on 5/6/16.

Development of the World of Warcraft: Legion expansion is well underway, and we’d like to take some time to update everyone on how things are progressing.

Assistant Game Director Ion “Watcher” Hazzikostas will be joined by online gaming personality Jesse Cox to discuss a number of topics, including Class Halls, max-level content, the Demon Hunter, and a status update on what our next priorities are for Legion development.

We’ll be going live at 9:00 AM Pacific/12:00 PM Eastern time on the official World of Warcraft Twitch channel at twitch.tv/Warcraft. We’ll see you then! 

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Relaunch of the US Chapter on Bleeding Hollow

Welcome to the new and the old members of TLP-WoW!  We’re so glad to have you here.

We want to create something special again with WoW so we have left our home server of Mannoroth and moved over to Bleeding Hollow permanently.  The guild was officially moved with all its bank tabs and items along with my main character, Danitsia.  She was level 95 prior to the move, but I did use the level boost to 100 that comes with the upgrade to Legion since we have months to relearn our classes for those of us like me that are returning fresh to WoW.   I do recommend the boost if you can get the expansion upgrade.

This guild will comprise of many returning players that are fresh to the game and its upgrades, so it will at first have a heavy focus on re-adjustment… that includes quests, dungeons, and 10 man raids. Also many of our old players that had merged into either Predestined or had a special vye from Blizzard to move to Twisted Nether on the European servers to join up with Method.  These folks are hardcore raiders and many of them have vast experience in PvP as well.  Those folks might be getting into hardcore raiding within a short period of time.  So we will cater to both the casual to moderate and work to put together a competitive hardcore raiding team.

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