Queen Ansurek Goes Down

Queen Ansurek falls in Heroic! We did it but we were missing our main tank, one of our main healers, and a few of our core members too. They’re all out on vacation for the holidays.

So what happens next? Starting next week, we will be PUGGING Mythic raid members until we can properly recruit new friends to round out our 20m guild group. In the meantime, if you guys know anyone that would love a guild like ours that enjoys raiding and pushing through content, please invite them to the guild. All members can invite.

We may end up moving the full clear Heroic raids to Tuesday nights, mopping up Heroic Queen and starting Mythic on Wednesdays, progressing on Fridays through Mythic bosses. Stay tuned!

Congratulations TLP!

<3 Dani

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