Let’s Play: Meet The Brenners

Welcome to my very first “Let’s Play”.  I will be working to set up the world in which the Brenners live in the next few weeks, then start with Season 1, Episode 1 of the official Let’s Play series.  This will be a very different series as I start with the seniors first, and build out the family.  The epicenter of the family is these two adorable, loving people that are the mom and dad for these grown adult children.   Read their backstory below and let me know what you think!

The essence of this family is built upon the foundation that Alfred and Rose have built. Alfred, the patriarch, loves his family — from the eldest to the youngest and beyond. Rose is the supermom; very involved in all her children’s families and is the strong emotional support for all of them.  This family is centered completely around Alfred and Rose this season because everything thing family ends up being has a bit of these two in it. 

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Alfred had two brothers that both went on to join the Air Force and Navy.  Alfred did not want to follow in his brothers’ footsteps, taking the more academic route.  But alas, the military ended up drafting him anyways and off to war he went with the Air Force where he became a pilot.  When the last of his brothers was also killed in action, the military decided to retire Alfred with full honors because he was the last child in the family.  In their honor, he made it a point to work hard and put himself through school.  He dreamt of reaching the stars one day; and that he did.  Not only did he path the way for African American astronauts, he also found the love of his life.

Rose is the brains and spirit, as the matriarch you couldn’t have asked for a better role model. Of eight children, she was the only one to get to go to college. She become a Rocket Scientist and studied Physics at college where she would meet a handsome, ambitious young man named Alfred. They would go on to create a beautiful family of six. The eldest is 44, the youngest is 19 and still living at home but embarking on her own journey. Rose since very young has loved to garden and keeps a beautiful greenhouse that her husband built for her.

Jazmin, their youngest, has just started college for Biology as she wants to follow in her older sister’s footsteps and become a veterinarian. Jazzy is the social glue of the family, often planning all the big family gatherings, celebrations, and vacations.  She’s very close to her cousins Brandi and Luke as they are teens themselves but loves all her cousins equally. She is poised to become the next matriarch.

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 Alfred Darius Brenner

Age: 64
Gender: Male
Career: Astronaut
Employment Status: Retired
Marital Status: Married
Birthday: August 3rd, 1956
Children: 6
Hobbies: Woodworking, Model Trains, Travel

Younger Years

Alfred was the first in his family to make it to college. He had 2 brothers, who enlisted in the military early in their lives and died defending the country. He vowed to make his life beautiful and grow a big happy family to honor the sacrifice his brothers made.

The 20's

Alfred had unbridled intelligence and he fell in love with science early and its a love that has fueled his dreams, quite literally. While in college, he met the love of his life Rose Parker. He proposed to her on the day they graduated.

The 30's

In his 30’s, his career really took off. His wife Rose joined him at NASA, where she was instrumental in designing the rocket engines that would propel him quite literally to new heights. By the end of his 30’s, he had taken over 10 flights into outer space.

The 40's

In his 40’s, Alfred and Rose co-wrote many books on their experiences and together hold over 200 patents. He did several speaking engagements on the topic of space exploration and the advancement of private space flight. He also became a father one last time at the age of 47.

The 50's

Being in your 50s and raising a young child was challenging for Alfred and Rose but welcomed. Alfred continued to write many books and do more speaking engagements and developed a love for woodworking.

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 Rose Marie Brenner

Age: 62
Gender: Female
Career: Mechanical Engineer. Rocket Scientist
Employment Status: Retired
Marital Status: Married
Birthday: November 14th, 1957
Children: 6
Hobbies: Gardening, Flower Arranging, Reading, Knitting, Travel

Younger Years

Rose was born to a very poor family and she has 7 other siblings. While poor, however, they had the bounty of their love for each other. She helped to raise her younger siblings and knew she would want to have her own family someday. So she worked hard in school, got good grades, and got a scholarship to college.

The 20's

She went hard at college, made studying a top priority and it paid off. In more ways than one. Going to college also brought her to the love of her life, Alfred. As they walked across the stage to graduate, Alfred proposed in front of the whole graduating class. She said yes immediately. And after a modest little ceremony they set out to start their family and adventures together.

The 30's

When she hit her 30’s, after years of working in several other companies, she applied to NASA and got in. On her own merit too! Alfred didn’t even know she had applied. Together, they worked on pushing the boundaries of the human race further beyond this earth. Rose designed almost all of the engines, along with her team that included her husband, that Alfred would then use when he became an astronaut.

The 40's

Rose co-authored many books with Alfred, and then some of her own. She also holds several patents along with her team at NASA. Her contributions are vast and wide, but nothing fills her with more pride than watching her family grow. At 47, Rose found herself pregnant. What she thought was impossible became reality in the shape of Jazmin, her baby daughter.

The 50's

Being a working mom in your 50’s is really, really hard. But Rose and Alfred made it work. As Jazmin got older she gradually found more time to devote to her other passion: gardening. She has a beautiful small garden on her property, but yearns for more land and a more quiet living.

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 Jazmin Rose Brenner

Age: 19
Gender: Female
Career: High School Graduate, Enrolled in Britechester for Biology
Employment Status: Employed, Part Time in Retail
Marital Status: Single
Birthday: September 2nd, 2000
Children: 0
Hobbies: Animals, Dog Training, Gardening, City Life, Social Media, Friends

Younger Years

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Darius is Rose and Alfred’s eldest child; often seen as a second father.  He married his college sweetheart, Imani, who descends from the very famous King family. They have a loving, happy marriage, but have had many troubles in trying to expand their family and as a result only have one daughter, Brandi.  Brandi is the eldest of the cousins, and she’s extremely smart, helpful, and very involved with her cousins and her aunt Jazmin is her best friend.  Imani has suffered many miscarriages before and after Brandi, so she treasures her daughter and helps her family with their kids too as she’s very family oriented. Brandi struggles with the pressure of coming from two extremely educated people that also happen to be professors. She feels her father wants her to go to college and get a career; sort of follow their footsteps. But Brandi is more creative, like her mother, and she secretly loves music as well as art, more digital art than physical. She often escapes to her Aunt Dahlia’s house to learn the piano from her and the guitar from her cousin Luke.


 Darius Howard Brenner

Age: 44
Gender: Male
Career: English Professor at Britechester
Employment Status: Employed
Marital Status: Married
Birthday: January 7th, 1976
Children: 1
Hobbies: Reading, Outdoor Activities, Swimming

Younger Years

If there was a book within a mile radius, Darius was nose-deep in it. As a child, he loved to learn. He knew from early on he wanted to become a teacher. He was always very close to his siblings, and still is so today.

The 20's

Darius graduated with a degree in Economics and a minor in Education. He worked for a financial firm for a bit while completing his Masters in Education. The firm handled the estates of one of the most prominent families, The Kings. It was there that he met his wife, Imani. Darius and Imani wanted to have a big family, so they started trying to have a baby almost right away. They got their blessing and had Brandi, but that was after two miscarriages.

The 30's

He had taken a new job at the University after finishing his Doctorates in Education. Imani had many troubles conceiving again and there was a lot of heartbreaks. They even tried to adopt children, but twice it fell through. They leaned on each other though it and focused on their extended family to bring them joy.

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 Imani Savine King-Brenner

Age: 44
Gender: Female
Career: Creative Artist, Master Painter
Employment Status: Art Professor, Britechester
Marital Status: Married
Parents:  Alfred King, II (deceased) and Jolene King
Birthday: June 22nd, 1976
Children: 1
Hobbies: Painting, Digital Art, Art Advocacy, Sailing, Camping, Yoga

Younger Years

Being born to the famous King family (her uncle was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.) immersed Imani in her culture and history. Her father died very young to sudden heart attack. So she was raised by her mother Jolene and along her the entire King family.

The 20's

Imani went to the prestigious Howard University to study art theory and technique. While her family was always involved in charity work, she grew up wanting to help in any way she could. She attended many functions where the King’s would invite all their associates, it was there that she met Dairus. They got married and set out to start their family, but heartbreak would strike not once but twice before Brandi was born.

The 30's

Imani painted away her sorrows and became quite well known in the field of ethnic art, channeling her diverse cultural background. She continued to try to have more children, but unfortunately during her last pregnancy she had to have emergency surgery that removed her uterus, rendering unable to have kids. So she turned to adoption. But that too has broken her heart several times. Now she’s focused on her helping her extended family with their kids and enjoys the family she does have. She absolutely dotes on Brandi.


 Brandi Louise Brenner

Age: 17
Gender: Female
Career: High School
Employment Status: Employed, Part Time Retail
Marital Status: Single
Birthday: March 18th, 2003
Children: 0
Hobbies: All things Music and Art, Spending Time in the City, Reading, Learning to Cook

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Dahlia is the second eldest child in the Brenner clan. She met a recently divorced Max only months after starting her new job as a vet when she visited his family-owned restaurant. They fell in love and got married.  Dahlia had previously had a long-term relationship with Andy in college and the pair share custody and a beautiful co-parenting friendship of her eldest son Luke. Not a year into her marriage to Max, they got the surprise that they were expecting and low and behold, twins running on both sides, they got fraternal twins Karly and Blake, who are now both 9. Five years later, after trying for a while they finally got pregnant again and this time with identical twin girls, Azure and Skye who are about to turn 3. With 5 kids, a busy family restaurant that Max now owns and a newly opened veterinary clinic that Max and Andy both helped Dahlia build, this family has their hands full.  On top of it all, Max was married once before in what ended up in a very tumultuous and acrimonious divorce.  His ex-wife, Priscilla, is now married to his brother in law, Darian! Yikes!


 Dahlia Leigh Brenner-Bassett

Age: 38
Gender: Female
Career: Veterinarian
Employment Status: Self-Employed, Owns Vet Office
Marital Status: Married
Birthday: February 12th, 1982
Children: 5
Hobbies: Animal Rescue, Environment Protection, Yoga, Music

Younger Years

Dahlia’s absolute love of animals started very early. It was clear she was meant to be who she turned out to be. Having had many dogs and cats, and a few horses in her young life, she decided early in high school that she wanted to become a vet.

The 20's

Dahlia’s parents fostered her desire to become a vet and encouraged her to go to some of the best schools. She was an exceptional student, but she knew that her love of animals could only take her so far, she had to also know the business side of things. She got pregnant during her college years by her boyfriend Andy and together they had Luke. Nonetheless, she graduated Sigma Cum Laude, with a degree in veterinary medicine and a minor in business management. She continued on to get her masters and doctorate in vet-med.

The 30's

After working for several other vet offices, Dahlia was ready to open her own. She partnered with several young vets to create her office, which today is a thriving business. She met her husband Max at the restaurant the catered all her office meals; he was the owner and had recently divorced. After just three months of dating, she got pregnant with twins. Max and Dahlia got married, but they really loved each other and its worked perfectly. So much so that they had another set of twins just a few years later.

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 Maxwell Pierce Bassett

Age: 34
Gender: Male
Career: Master Chef
Employment Status: Self-Employed, Owns Restaurant
Marital Status: Married
Parents: Clark Bassett, Jr. and Yolanda Gonzalez
Birthday: April 6th, 1986
Children: 4, 1 Step Son
Hobbies: Sports, Fitness, and Fishing

Younger Years

Max always loved food, even as a young child, he was fascinated when his mother Yoli would cook. He started to create his own recipes by the time he was a freshman in high school and graduated to immediately be accepted into the Le Cordon Blue Culinary Institute in France.

The 20's

He met a beautiful girl while living abroad named Priscilla. They married too quickly and didn’t really even know each other. The nature of his job meant long hours in one place, while her dream to become an archaeologist took her all over. They fought hard and crazy whenever they were together and that led to a very acrimonious divorce that saw him return home. He was left with a very lonely outlook on life until just months later he met Dahlia. She had a son, Luke, that at that time was only 4. He loved helping to raise him and maintains a good relationship with his father, Andy. He would soon find that he would get the chance to be called “dad” four times over.

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 Luke Andrew Harrison

Age: 16
Gender: Male
Career: High School
Employment Status: N/A
Marital Status: Single
Parents: Andrew Harrison and Dahlia Brenner
Birthday: May 10th, 2003
Children: 0
Hobbies: Sports, Girls, and Cars

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 Karly Joy Brenner

Age: 8
Gender: Female
Career: Grade School
Employment Status: N/A
Marital Status: N/A
Birthday: January 30th, 2012
Children: N/A
Hobbies: Playing Outdoors, Hanging Out with Friends, Movies


 Blake Franklin Brenner

Age: 8
Gender: Male
Career: Grade School
Employment Status: N/A
Marital Status: N/A
Birthday: January 30th, 2012
Children: N/A
Hobbies: Chess, Fishing, Animals

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 Skye Blue Brenner

Age: 3
Gender: Female
Career: Preschool
Employment Status: N/A
Marital Status: N/A
Birthday: January 25th, 2017
Children: N/A
Hobbies: Blocks, Coloring, Hair Bows

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 Azure Blue Brenner

Age: 3
Gender: Female
Career: Preschool
Employment Status: N/A
Marital Status: N/A
Birthday: January 25th, 2017
Children: N/A
Hobbies: Mommy, Mommy, and sometimes Daddy

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Jamaal is Rose and Alfred’s third child. He married his high school sweetheart almost right after graduation, Connie. Connie has had a very rough life. Her mother abandoned her and her father, and then her father died suddenly when she was just 12. She bounced around the Johnson family, but eventually ended up in a group home. They had a very tough marriage as Connie just doesn’t seem to want to be a mother, so as the babies started coming, the fights got worse. They have recently divorced and Jamaal’s mother helps him with the children, as he got sole custody. Jamaal spends most of his time with his girls and helping to educate everyone on the need to conserve our planet’s natural beauty and resources. As a young child, his family took a vacation in Sulani to help and aid the locals recover from a disastrous volcanic eruption that left most of the islands covered in soot and ash. He fell in love with the island and vowed to one day return to live here with his own family.

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 Jamaal Marcus Brenner

Age: 36
Gender: Male
Career: Nature Conservationist
Employment Status: Employed
Marital Status: Divorced
Birthday: July 4th, 1983
Children: 3
Hobbies: Ocean Sports, Camping, Hiking, Fitness

Younger Years

One year Rose and Alfred spent a charity vacation with the family in the beautiful islands of Sulani aiding the locals recover from a volcanic explosion — Jamaal fell in love with the sea and with the island life. He knew he would one day return to live there and help to conserve the island’s beauty.

The 20's

Jamaal married an island native named Connie while still living in the Valley. The fact she was born there was about the only thing they had in common. She had had a tough upbringing and it shaped her into someone that valued parties over family. When they had the kids, she was barely involved. She never took to it. She preferred to play her piano and sing in nightclubs and lounges than to be home with her kids.

The 30's

Eventually, Jamaal and Connie would divorce, with him taking full custody, and very rarely does she come to see the kids. But when she does it’s not a good visit usually as Jamaal and Connie always start arguing. He just can’t help wanting her to care about the kids more. Despite his heartache, he did manage to land a job as a Conservationist and lives in Sulani. His mother Rose helps with the kids a lot.


 Constance “Connie” Johnson-Brenner

Age: 35
Gender: Female
Career: N/A
Employment Status: Unemployed
Marital Status: Divorced
Parents: Joseph Johnson (Deceased), Mother Unknown
Birthday: July 27th, 1984
Children: 3
Hobbies: Partying, Singing, Piano

Younger Years

Connie never knew her mother, only that her name was Amari. Her father was a saxophone player and she admired him and took after him in her love of music. Her father mysteriously passed away when she was just 12 years old. She was tossed around the Johnson family for a bit before eventually landing in a group home at 14. She was mercilessly teased and bullied her whole life and her only solace was writing lyrics to songs. She would later develop a talent for the piano.

The 20's

One evening she met a handsome mad named Jamaal. He had had the perfect life with perfect parents. She loved the fact that he found her so interesting because she was born in Sulani. She quickly married him, and then had kids, but her first love is music. And her past has hardened her and somehow we know there is just something wrong with her that no one can pinpoint.

The 30's

Later on, that little something found a diagnosis — Bi-polar disorder. She knew she would never really be any good for her husband or her children, so she put as much distance between them as she can. It’s hard for Connie to hold a job, and without a steady one you don’t have much in the way of health care, so she often misses medications that are so needed for her condition. But she also feels like they completely stifle her creativity and she can’t write or sing or play. It’s an ongoing battle every day.

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 Kaitlynn Anne Brenner

Age: 8
Gender: Female
Career: Grade School
Employment Status: N/A
Marital Status: N/A
Birthday: September 30th, 2011
Children: N/A
Hobbies: Science, Medicine, Camping, Sailing

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 Hanna Opal Brenner

Age: 6
Gender: Female
Career: Grade School
Employment Status: N/A
Marital Status: N/A
Birthday: February 3rd, 2014
Children: N/A
Hobbies: Beach, Sailing, Swimming

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 April May Brenner

Age: 2
Gender: Female
Career: Preschool
Employment Status: N/A
Marital Status: N/A
Birthday: May 1st, 2017
Children: N/A
Hobbies: Blocks, Building Sandcastles, Learning to Swim

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Darian is the 4th child of the family, and he’s very close to his big brother Darius. They are the best of friends.  Early on he decided to enlist in the military, traveling all over the world, which is where he met his wife, the now renowned archaeologist, Priscilla Scott.  They fell fast and hard, and were married just 6 weeks later.  They have now been together for 4 years, and have twins, which run in the Brenner family.  Professionally, both of them couldn’t be doing better.  Priscilla is a well-renowned archaeologist and spends days away in Selvadorada ruins with her crew, coming home to write books, grants, and papers on her finds. Darian is CEO of his own company that focuses on stock investments and employs about 30 or so professionals in the high rises of the city. No one had ever met Priscilla, until Darian returned home permanently from his service abroad.  Low and behold… his sister Dahlia was married to Priscilla’s ex-husband Maxwell!!! Oh boy.  Max and Priscilla, of course, are oil and vinegar and it has put a lot of strain on Darian and Dahlia’s siblinghood.


 Darian David Brenner

Age: 34
Gender: Male
Career: Software Developer
Employment Status: Employed
Marital Status: Married
Birthday: January 17th, 1986
Children: 2
Hobbies: Learning History, Reading Books, Playing Guitar, Romancing the Wife

Younger Years

As a young child Darian always looked up to his big brother Darius. Everything Darius was into, Darian wanted to be into too. They still have a very close bond to this day. He took a large interest in programming analytics software while first starting high school and it stuck with him. He joined the military to learn how to program for the Air Force complex analytics software that helped us guard against terrorist attacks. He loved everything about the military because of the stories his father would tell about his uncles, who also served.

The 20's

He did a total 4 tours in the Middle East, one of which he spent almost two years away. During that time he met and fell in love with a beautiful girl named Priscilla, who happened to be in the Middle East on archaeological missions. They were married in less than 6 weeks! His family didn’t even get to meet her before they were married. Months after their marriage, they returned home together as husband and wife. Only then it became known to the family that Priscilla’s past would come back to bite her! Darian’s older sister had been married to Max, her ex-husband! Let’s just say tensions run high. Priscilla and Darian had twins a little over two years ago, so that’s solidified the fact that their kids are Max’s niece and nephew.

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 Priscilla Jane Scott-Brenner

Age: 33
Gender: Female
Career: Archaeologist
Employment Status: Self-Employed
Marital Status: Married
Parents: Leviathan Scott, MaryJo Scott
Birthday: January 18th, 1987
Children: 2
Hobbies: Writing about History, Travelling, Obsessing over her Twins

Younger Years

Priscilla comes from a well-to-do family, the Scotts. Her father, Levi is an archaeologist in his own right, having contributed to many historic finds in Egypt and the Middle East. It was natural for her to choose that line of work as she grew up with stories of adventure, danger, and treasures. She knew from grade school that that would be what she would want to become — her father. Her mother MaryJo tried to discourage her daughter from such a dangerous field, as she comes from a very traditional family where ladies are meant to stay home and raise children. But Priscilla rejected that notion, much to her father’s great approval. So off she went to study history and archaeology.

The 20's

Priscilla graduated high school at 16, went straight into college and was on a study abroad in France. There she met Max, who was studying to become a chef. They were married quickly but soon realized they didn’t know each other nor how they would navigate the demands of their work as a couple. Fights ensued, and eventually they divorced. It was a very unpleasant time for both of them. After she graduated school, she got the opportunity to head to Iran on a dig. While there, the military had to be called in to provide security to the archaeological students and workers. One of the soldiers was Darian. They fell in love and got married in just 6 weeks! Neither of them had met the rest of each other’s family. Surprise, surprise… Max was now married to his sister Dahlia. Oh boy!

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 Julia Jane Brenner

Age: 2
Gender: Female
Career: Preschool
Employment Status: N/A
Marital Status: N/A
Birthday: July 28th, 2017
Children: N/A
Hobbies: Reading Books, Playing Games on Mommy’s iPad, Everything Mommy


 Brody Baxter Brenner

Age: 2
Gender: Male
Career: Preschool
Employment Status: N/A
Marital Status: N/A
Birthday: July 28th, 2017
Children: N/A
Hobbies: Playing in the Dirt, Finding New Treasures, Everything Daddy

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Jerrod is Rose and Alfred fifth child, and the most independent of them all.  He started his career before he ever graduated from college; he is a video gaming prodigy and member of the elite “Cloud 9” e-sports organization. In addition to that, he live-streams and runs his own YouTube channel.  His wife, Nylah is huge into e-sports herself, although she works for the business side of it all and for Cloud 9’s rival team, TSM (Team Solo Mid).  She also live-streams and has her own YouTube channel as well.  They want to wait until they are in their 30s to start having kids.  They love Sunday dinners with the family and have to admit, the family drama keeps them well entertained!

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 Jerrod Lamar Brenner

Age: 27
Gender: Male
Career: Video Gaming Prodigy / Game Developer
Employment Status: Employed
Marital Status: Married
Birthday: March 8th, 1993
Children: 0
Hobbies: Anything on a Computer, Camping, Sailing

Younger Years

As a kid, you just couldn’t pull Jerrod off his video games! Luckily because Alfred and Rose were very technical themselves, they didn’t push him off of it, but rather encouraged it and allowed Jerrod to go deep into the field.  They did want him to go to college and learn the business of video gaming, so he learned from a very young age that he needed to make something out of his interests. So he taught himself to code and program as a teenager.  He hit it big when at 16 he got a contract to play for the world-famous eSports organization Cloud9.  He attended college online in between team practices and so on to continue to focus on getting his diploma.  eSports has not only given him a career he loves, it helped him introduce him to the woman that one day would be his wife.

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 Nylah Tamika Lewis-Brenner

Age: 25
Gender: Male
Career: Video Gaming Industry / Social Media Marketing
Employment Status: Employed
Marital Status: Married
Parents:  Pastor John David Lewis, Lady Aida Lewis
Birthday: July 26th, 1994
Children: 0
Hobbies: Graphical Arts, Social Media, Photography, Videography

Younger Years


Retire to a Tiny House on Wheels

I created this tiny little house on wheels for Rose and Alfred Brenner who have retired from very lucrative careers.  In this 43 year marriage, they have raised 6 children; 4 boys and 2 girls.  Alfred was the first in his family to ever graduate college, and it was at college that he met Rose Parker, a vibrant young woman with as he puts it “spunk” and unnatural intelligence.  They began as friends, and after a year started dating.  They would graduate two years later and as they walked across the stage to get their diploma’s Alfred proposed to his sweetheart. Now after all their kids have grown up, married, and/or began their own lives, the Brenners decided to sell their big, expensive house in Del Sol Valley, and built their own tiny house and settled down in Windenburg. Al had an amazing career as a rocket scientist and published many books on the topic, in addition to holding many patents and giving public speeches on his life as a rocket scientist and astronaut.  Rose was a mechanical engineer, also holding many patents of her own, but her children are everything to her and she maintains a very close relationship with all six.  Together, they love to travel and pursue their passions — she gardens, he loves to build model trains, planes, and automobiles.

Download this beauty with #moveobjects turned on!  Look for it in the gallery under my EA ID: Danitsa_TLP.

Oscar Winning Celebrity Mansion (Sims 4)

I just finished work on this beauty! On the Cottage Am See lot, I built a celebrity mansion that has an old-world feel while still maintaining a modern layout. This mansion has 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms…. 2 downstairs with a shared bath and two upstairs which includes a master en suite bathroom with a stand-alone bathtub with adjoining shower and a kid’s en suite smaller bathroom that features a shower/tub combo.  This allows the parents to keep a tight watch on their infants and toddlers while still having room downstairs for more grown-up options as they reach teenhood.  The packs I used for this build are the base game and Get Together, since I built it in Windeburg (the world that came with Get Together).

Alpha Test by the Numbers

From the team at Amazon Game Studios:


In September, we opened our doors to the public so that we could share what we’ve been working on with a wider audience. New World had a lot of rough edges and we weren’t sure players would embrace what we were striving to create. But, as players started venturing into New World, we started to learn along with them what was working and what wasn’t.

We had an opportunity to see the game through the eyes of thousands of talented and committed gamers and we liked what we saw. We’ve been blown away by the passion and commitment of our Alpha Tester community and we’ve taken their feedback to heart.

We’re very optimistic about New World’s future and we’re going to take time to add the content and features that our players have asked for. Stay tuned for updates and check out some of the achievements our Alpha Testers accomplished during this testing phase.

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Disaster Relief Fund for Victims of Hurricanes Harvey & Irma

As an online community of nearly 2000 members, we feel a certain sting when one of our own is affected by disasters of this nature because we treat the people in our community, all over the world, like family. Our motto, “One Family, Many Worlds” is not just a catchy slogan, it’s something we all truly believe in.

As such we will continuously try to support another great organization like the American Red Cross to assist wherever we can to help the countless victims of natural disasters like Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma across the globe. We urge all of our members to give and give regularly as we work together, as human beings, to help each other through the storm of life.


Maria “Danitsia” Espino,
CEO of The Last Prophecy Gaming, Inc.

Week Four: The Challenges

The first month has most definitely been a challenge for Sandbox Interactive as a company, as a developer. The criminal activity of some groups in where stolen credit card information has seen the launch of a series of DDoS attacks that has all but crippled the game.

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Week One: Building the Foundation

As we wrap up the first week of Albion Online, we faced a couple of setbacks in our plan due to the poor launch that SBI had but we’re now on an upswing from those setbacks.  On day 1, SBI had a terrible launch that left a lot of people in the dark — literally!  Black screens of death were everywhere and folks could not zone from one area to the next without hitting the “dark” end of that issue.  Myself included.  The original plan was to have me head straight to Caerleon to secure plots as I had the most accumulated gold of all of us — well over 500k. The backup plan was to have Eckhart head straight to Bridgewatch (a town we were the most familiar with from the last beta test) and secure plots there ASAP.  If we got our plots in Caerleon, the plan was to sell the plots in Bridgewatch for 1 mil each right away.  That plan worked brilliantly except for ONE BIG ISSUE —  I did not get credited all the gold I was due once the server reset.  I only got 114k and I didn’t even get my LPs.  Another issue that prevented us from getting the plots we wanted was the lag and black screens — once I got to Caerleon the lag of selling gold there was almost at a dead stop. We made the executive decision to just stick with Bridgewatch since Eckhart managed to secure those plots. The good news was, we got 14 plots secured.  So off I went to start setting up our shops.

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Restarting the TLP Alliance Come Launch

A quick announcement for all concerned:

We will be running our own alliance, as primary alliance administrators. At first we will just be by ourselves or perhaps with some of our old allies, as alliances cost 250,000 silver to create, and then will only be adding guilds that can adhere to our Alliance Charter and Alliance Rules. Collectively working together by identifying guild strengths and weaknesses so that we can more cohesively push forward our goals will be the best way that we can ally together against the bigger, zergier, guilds.

In our time for Beta 1 and Beta 2, we ran the Rest in Pieces [RIP] alliance pretty fantastically until we died off due to the usual “beta burnout” in both those betas.  This beta we decided to try to once again join our old friends, the Undead Lords, in their alliance Exodia.  I feel I did my very best this beta to keep the allies together, keep up all the stations for allies to use after they were transferred to me, tried my earnest to defend the city of Caerleon (successfully three times over – held it for 1.5 months!)

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Happy Fourth of July, America!

We want to once again, as we often do, thank all our Military members — active, retired, or in remembrance — for their dutiful service to provide us with the freedoms that we celebrate today.  We have so many TLP members that have served our country and we are extremely proud to be an organization that provides friendships, comfort, and camaraderie for many of them.  We salute you all and wish you all a happy, healthy, and SAFE Fourth of July!

<3 Dani


Preparing for Albion Online’s Launch on July 17th

We are so excited to be finally nearing the release of the long-awaited PvP-centric MMO, Albion Online.  The early-access release for all Legendary packs is set to be on July 17th, probably early in the morning (no time has officially been confirmed yet so stay tuned!), and then for Epic packs on July 18th.  All Veteran packs and new players will be welcomed on July 19th.  I cannot stress how important early release is in this game.  In two days you could be light-years ahead of everyone else.  So I do recommend, if you financially can, an upgrade to the Legendary pack. If you cannot afford them, remember that our guild will do our best to ensure you catch up within the first two weeks.

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