Trade and Commerce Commission


The Trade and Commerce Commission is in essence a “company” in character with various chapters/divisions to it.  Each city has something that it is known for, thus is becomes that city’s strength. There is an overall President, who is Jonas Callahan.  And then there are Regional Presidents for every chapter/division.  For example,  Ashley O’Connor is regional president for the city of Umbra.  Umbra’s main resource is necromantic reagents.  Thus Ashley focuses on the promotion, sale, and trade of such items.  She also helps to promote the shops around her area, holding events such as “Merchant Fairs” or other endeavors.  She also enjoys creating runebooks filled with Umbra player-ran shops to hand out at these events, especially in greeting new players or transferring players to the shard.  However she can help to bring traffic to city that promotes trade is her main objective.  Of course, she keeps close contact with shop owners nearby and solicits their input and advice on how to better their marketing options.

The main objective is creativity for those of us that enjoy trade-centered role play. Even if you align with a city that doesn’t have an obvious trade you can create one for yourself.


  • PRESIDENT — The President is in charge of the entire association, although they must do so in conjunction with the Board of Directors.  No one can apply for this title, but you should know what they are. Currently, Jonas Callahan serves as President.
  • REGIONAL PRESIDENT — The individual cities can have chapters of the TCC, each having a Regional President. Regional Presidents also get a seat on the Board of Directors.
  • BOARD MEMBERS — These are the members of the Board of Directors.  Usually, these titles are reserved for the appointees of the Governors or the Governors themselves.  No one can apply for these titles, but you should know what they are.
  • CHAIR PERSONS — This position is a fellowship in conjunction with the Board of Directors. It is appointed, by the President, as a board lead position that will manage all affairs that are up for discussion by the Board of Directors. Currently, Amroth Plinius serves as Chair and Ate serves as Co-Chair.
  • DIRECTOR OF MARKETING — This position is in charge of handling all marketing and advertisements for the TCCU. You will be tasked with posting “flyers” and marking “runes” and getting folks to know about the events.
  • DIRECTOR OF EVENTS — This position is in charge of organizing the events held at the Trade Center in Umbra or the city of Umbra itself in relation to trade and commerce. They are also in charge of the food and drinks for the events.
  • DIRECTOR OF PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT — This position is in charge of formulating ideas for products that we may wish to sell at our events and thus seeking out merchants that are skilled in sales of such products.
  • DIRECTOR OF MERCHANT RELATIONS — This position ensures that the merchants that hold contracts with us are happy and have everything they need to be able to sell their products to our consumers. They also help the merchants set up in their booths and assist with decorations.
  • SECRETARY — The secretary takes down all meeting minutes and ensures all board members get a copy of the monthly minutes. They are also in charge of coordinating the monthly Board of Directors meeting.
  • TREASURER — The treasurer is in charge of the financial aspect of the business. They ensure there is enough silver/gold generated to pay the merchants their salaries and collect the Trade Center’s cut of the profits.


This is actually a separate guild — that has an alliance with other cities’ chapters of the TCC — so that anyone that wishes to run a chapter can do so independently but still have alliance chat to communicate.  Members do not have to be in a TCC guild to apply for and attain these titles, but if you have an alternate that you wish to place in a guild (or establish a chapter for your favorite city) and role play separately, you can add them and they will display the titles above.   Each city could potentially run its own chapter of the TCC, for example Ashley O’Connor holds the stone for Umbra, TCCU and Ariana Erikkson holds the stone for Minoc, TCCM. If you want your very own division, you can apply for that too through us directly.

Vampires are if not anything else astutely keen on business management, thus they are endlessly rich. So it makes sense for our coven to head these efforts world-wide. Our lore is greatly dependent on our anonymity and thus members of this division do not always know they are dealing with vampires. In your role play it is very important that you keep the masquerade — as a vampire, werewolf, or other supernatural being you keep that hidden unless its directly revealed to you through role play.

If you think your character would enjoy being part of this “company” by all means, please apply.


Submit an application “in character” either through email at or —- or leave a book in game in the mailbox at the Trade Center in Umbra (just past the West Bridge).