This had been the third shot of the Kickstart Serum that we both had taken. I am now about 6-7 weeks along. It didn’t take but a week or so for Khayman’s seed to take hold. We didn’t expect it to be so quick. Mekare was told of the plan ahead of time, and of course she was completely against it. In our old Kemetian tongue, well through our telepathy which stayed through my transformation shockingly, she raged against the idea.
Getting Back What Belongs to Us, Pt. 15
Mekare stood behind Maharet, her eyes barely able to look from the floor. She lived every day with the knowledge that her sister loved the very man that had raped her, that had cut out her tongue. She could not even look at him for she feared the rage would take over her soul. She respected her sister far too much.
Marius exited the room with much fanfare. He was in rare form tonight. Mekare wondered if the separation from Pandora that the world gates afforded us caused his instability for it was a rare occurrence that he would talk to the elders with such angst. He was almost always extremely respectful of all the First Brood.
When Maharet mentioned that she could not allow the deaths of the Romanus clan, it wasn’t a heartfelt sentiment that drove her conviction. It was the knowledge that this clan more than any other had the potential to survive the ages and blend into humanity, rather than destroy it. They were the future of our kind.
Getting Back What Belongs to Us, Pt. 12
Louis sat and waited. He was watched the window like he longed for the sun to come through it. Maharet had returned and Marius was running after her. He could hear what they were saying, or rather what Marius was saying.
Lestat sat up and went to follow Marius, he longed for news of Merida whom he had gotten close due to Saphira’s talents. Louis was quick to grab him, “Where do you think you’re going?” Louis questioned his lover and maker. Lestat stopped and looked at him, “Why do we wait on the elders to make their move?” “Because those are the rules, Lestat. We follow the rules. And until Marius comes in here to tell us to move, we sit. We wait.” Louis’ loyalty annoyed him but Lestat knew he was right. To question Marius’ or worse Maharet’s decisions would shake the foundation on which we built our coven and all the bloodlines in it.
Getting Back What Belongs to Us, Pt. 7
As I returned to the Palisades, immediately Marius accosted me. “Were you able to negotiate the release of our kin?” I didn’t respond and continued my walk towards my quarters where I knew Khayman was awaiting my return and my orders. Marius followed me, “M’lady I urge upon you for some news,” he pressed. Once I opened the door to the chambers I gazed upon Khayman’s face. My sister still kept her distance from him so she had stood outside, but now followed Marius and I in.
Khayman spoke in our ancient Kemetian. I nodded and finally turned to Marius, “If Merida is not released by midnight this next evening, Khayman and I will walk in and retrieve her.”
Marius nodded in agreement, “what of Carrie?” “She is not our concern, Marius. She is not a Romanus nor is she tied to us in any way. I will not risk a war with our sire-brother if it does not directly affect our coven houses.” Marius eyes gleamed a bit. He seemed disappointed. “Marius, Merida is Armand’s wife and my protégé, there is a clear line of succession there and David knows this. This newborn is really a non-entity.”