Va’lis summoned all his strength knowing I was not at full capacity. Using his Blood Magic, he was able to take out the youngest of them, which was a half-breed — how dreadful it must be to have your own blood incinerate you. Stefan and Illyana Draco would be much much harder. This duo had been fighting for years together, they had it down to a science. But luckily, I have the blood of Enkil in me… so even tired and half-drained, I’d still be one hell of a challenge! They didn’t expect me to be so strong, the shock of my blows clearly adorned their faces. So they went after Va’lis… and well, me… sure come at me all you want, but you do not touch my family! With a ferocious hunger, I ripped through them as Va’lis used his greatest Blood Magic abilities to immobilize them enough so that I could rip their hearts out… one at a time. Drenched in blood, we both pressed on knowing we had but minutes…. tired, and growing weaker and weaker by the minute — especially Va’lis whose powers draw on his own blood — but we couldn’t stop. We had to get Isonu! A few younger guards accompanied by the Yomotsu came at us, we had to fight!
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