The Trade and Commerce Commission is in essence a “company” in character with various chapters/divisions to it. Each city has something that it is known for, thus is becomes that city’s strength. There is an overall President, who is Jonas Callahan. And then there are Regional Presidents for every chapter/division. For example, Ashley O’Connor is regional president for the city of Umbra. Umbra’s main resource is necromantic reagents. Thus Ashley focuses on the promotion, sale, and trade of such items. She also helps to promote the shops around her area, holding events such as “Merchant Fairs” or other endeavors. She also enjoys creating runebooks filled with Umbra player-ran shops to hand out at these events, especially in greeting new players or transferring players to the shard. However she can help to bring traffic to city that promotes trade is her main objective. Of course, she keeps close contact with shop owners nearby and solicits their input and advice on how to better their marketing options.
To attract merchants and crafters into the world of role play with an easy structure to break into while expanding the creativity for those of us that enjoy trade-centered role play. Even if you align with a city that doesn’t have an obvious trade you can create one for yourself.
For more information on this division of CoD, please click here.
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