Love Drunk

tumblr_mpjzngdrmK1syqnvro1_500Just as I thought, Papa wasn’t very impressed with my costume for the ball, but having kept it secret from him until the last minute meant I was able to wear my new dress! I felt like a real princess when I arrived and got to kiss my frog prince. The way Zach stared at me as we danced was thrilling, and his touch was intoxicating. We kissed and I forgot everything else… I wanted more.

Eventually he led me away from the party, and to the largest ship I have ever seen. We boarded, and in no time we were sailing along the coast. It. Was. Breathtaking. The water was still and smooth as glass, reflecting the clear skies and making it seem as though we were sailing through the infinite stars… It was magical. Just when I thought that I couldn’t possibly love Zach more than I already do, he comes up with something that makes me fall for him all over again. 

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Moving On Up

So as we packed up our old place, the girls and I lovingly wrapped all our nick knacks and furnishings.  Room by room my daughters and I got most of our items all boxed up.  Finally Merida came home and joined in helping us, her rooftop garden being one of the more difficult things to pack. We had to ensure her “babies” wouldn’t get squashed or tumble out of the soil they were packed into.  It was a lot of work, but we finally got the majority of it done.  Except of course, I wouldn’t let my girls into our master bedroom to pack anything.  I mean heaven forbid they find mommy and daddy’s … “toy chest”.  No, Merida and I would come back for our bedroom later.

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The Air I Breathe

ro-zach-colton-holland-3Nothing in this world, or any world, makes me feel as complete as she does.  Ro’s been having trouble sleeping for over a week now. I’ve noticed her toss and turn, and even at times leave my bedroom to go outside. The stress was getting to her and she was going to have a meltdown.  With Armand and Merida gone to Earth, she felt so alone.  Even I wasn’t enough to comfort her.

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Downward Spiral

Ro1“No, no, no!” I resisted the urge to set my harp alight, choosing instead to scream out my frustrations at my inability to play properly of late. Wanting to cry, I glanced down and noticed just how much my hands were trembling. Was the stress getting to me more than I’d thought? I sighed softly as I set the lap harp down beside me, thinking back over the last few weeks. Ever since The Royal Britannian Guard found my aunt, it feels as though I’ve been on a downward spiral.

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