Moving On Up

So as we packed up our old place, the girls and I lovingly wrapped all our nick knacks and furnishings.  Room by room my daughters and I got most of our items all boxed up.  Finally Merida came home and joined in helping us, her rooftop garden being one of the more difficult things to pack. We had to ensure her “babies” wouldn’t get squashed or tumble out of the soil they were packed into.  It was a lot of work, but we finally got the majority of it done.  Except of course, I wouldn’t let my girls into our master bedroom to pack anything.  I mean heaven forbid they find mommy and daddy’s … “toy chest”.  No, Merida and I would come back for our bedroom later.

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Devotion to Love

merida-armand-kissThere is a certain feeling that I get when my wife looks at me, when I feel her mouth on mine, when she bites my lower lip. I cannot put my finger on it, but its not one I feel with any other. My devotion to her is eternal. I’ve never had a love like this; ever.  And I’ve searched for it for my entire life — both my mortal one and my immortal one. I can only hope that my daughters grow up to desire the love their parents’ share and do not settle for anything mediocre, as I had for so long in the past. I can only hope that my son grows up with a clear picture of what a real man should be, a partner to his lady. One that is in it with her, rather than a bystander.  But let’s not talk about my kids dating… no.  Not right now.

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Honeymoon: Mother Russia

Spb_collageAhhh the mother land…  and the splendor that became St. Petersburg, founded by Peter the Great. Leaving Boryspil International Airport in Kiev we arrived Pulkovo Airport in St. Petersburg in roughly 2 hours.  As a private planed marked with the Royal standards of Italia, for our nationality is of Venice, our plane was deposited into the private area of the airport reserved for dignitaries and visiting heads of state.  The red carpets were placed under our feet as we deplaned which still had a somewhat alarming effect on my new bride.  It would take some getting used to. A limousine awaited us as handlers and valets packed our belongings into its trunk and then graciously introduced the driver to us, who opened the door to usher us into the vehicle. Evgeny, our driver, then drove us through the 20 or so miles it takes to get from the airport to our hotel passing through the many canals and rivers that surround St. Petersburg.  “It’s so similar to Venice in a way, except for the machines everywhere.” Merida commented to me. “Ah but my love, St. Petersburg is perhaps 4 or 5 times the size of Venice thus it allows for the roads that sustain the transit of automobiles and the like.” I retorted.

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Honeymoon: Kiev of Memories Past


We are husband and wife, Merida and I.  And legally so on two planets and 6 nations.  I had whisked my bride away the night after our wedding in Sosaria through the portal to Earth which of course drops us off in the deep underground heart of our Paris compound, the Palisades.  With its underground tunnels, we made our way through to the private airplane that had been commandeered by Marius to fly us anywhere we wished to go.  My beautiful bride wanted so much to see my long lost homeland of Kiev Rus, which is now modern day Kiev, Ukraine.  Ahhhh to be back there, struggling now to remember a young boy named Andrei.  That mortal life had long ago been extinguished and much of it remains a distant, not easily recalled, memory.  But there was nothing I wouldn’t do for my Meri.

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