*at the Tower of London in England*
The spy had returned nothing for nothing was available. Is as if the ground had swallowed all of them. The area that Va’lis had instructed to be watched didn’t have a soul in it.
Carrie had been taken through the portal in Ice Isle to Iceland. From there she was taken to a stronghold in London, out deep underground. She could hear the whispers of men saying how they must shield her from the sun, for the sun of her world lacked the strength that this world’s sun had. She knew she was no longer in Sosaria. The men left and she tried to stay awake but some outside force was calling her to sleep. Her eye lids felt heavy. Not soon after she submitted to the dead sleep.
She woke up, slowly picking herself up off the floor to a seated position when a booming voice spoke to her, “Hello.” Frank Draco sat with his knees pulled up to chest across from her. He was an older man, and she realized after staring at him, he was also a vampire. “Shall we begin?” He asked. “Begin what?” She answered back with a question of her own. “A game,” he said with a bit of a smirk.