We maintain several subguilds in UO for various purposes.
Guild Name (Abrev.] | Description | Website / Alliance / Wars |
Royal Britannian Guard of Umbra [RBGU] | The RBG is one of our most involved sub chapters. We run the RBG Alliance of Regiments, which our three guilds are a part of, in addition to the RBG regiment of Luna that is headed by Lord Alfonso. | http://www.royalbritannianguard.com Alliance: RBG [RBGU, RBGB, RGoM, LRBG] Warred: Romanus Family Alliance & Many Other RP Guilds. Restricted: RBG Regiments outside of the RBG Alliance will remain BLUE to RBG Alliance Guilds. |
Royal Britannian Guard of Britain [RBGB] | ||
Royal Britannian Guard of Minoc [RGoM] | ||
The Draconians [OotD] | The primary adversaries for the Romanus Family that many of us have characters in to be able to PvP with each other. | http://draconians.childrenofdarkness.com Alliance: None. Warred: Romanus Family Alliance & Many Other RP Guilds. |
CoD, Jrs. [JRs] | This guild was created so that we could invite any young folks under the age of 14 to the guild without having to let them have access to our main guild chat which can sometimes be bawdy and raunchy. | No Site Alliance: Romanus Family Alliance Warred: The Draconians |
Cult of the Fallen [CotF] | No Site Alliance: None Warred: Romanus Family Alliance & Many Other RP Guilds |
Order vs. Chaos RPvP Theme – ORDER [OVCO] | http://www.ordervschaos.org Alliance: Any Order-Alligned Guilds. Warred: CHAOS |
Order vs. Chaos RPvP Theme – CHAOS [OVCC] | http://www.ordervschaos.org Alliance: Any Chaos-Alligned Guilds. Warred: ORDER |
City of Britain [CoB] | A stone kept from back in our olden days to run events out of the city of Britain. | Alliance: None Warred: None |
City of Moonglow [CoM] | A stone held by Va’lis Razele as governor of Moonglow. | Alliance: None. Warred: Romanus Family Alliance & Many Other RP Guilds |