Taken, Again

As the fight with the Draconians continued, we knew that David now had first hand knowledge that Merida and the twins, Maharet and Mekare, had special powers that persisted through their transition into vampires.  This is something that was so unusual, but because this power came from the elements it stayed with them.  Of course, finding out that Merida came from Maharet’s mortal line was a shock to us all, most especially Va’lis.  My son, because that’s who we both — Marius and I — believe him to be now, has a severe protective nature over Merida.  Not only because it was the first he ever turned, but also they kind of grew up together, if you will.  Despite their tumultuous relationship, they found a very happy medium and celebrate their family now… especially because of the kids now.  As Merida and Armand have expanded their family, it has brought all of us such joy.

The evening of May 7th we were all celebrating another double year for Saphira.  Saphi grows twice as fast now as she is part dragon, so she’s moving along nicely in her development.  Marius and I took our happy butts home to Romanus Manor and Cherry took the kids back to Monticello for the night as they were spending the weekend with her and Va’lis. Val decided to stay and chat with Armand and Merida over a bottle or two or six of wine.  The laughed and told jokes… the three of them finally got along well enough to really enjoy the night.  Val finally decided to mozey on home and Merida decided to walk with him back to Monticello.  Armand stayed and like the dutiful husband he had become cleaned up the house and patiently awaited his wife to return for a romantic night alone.  So he waited…  And waited…  And waited.

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Recovery and Retaliation

infirmary-vamps-lairPandora paced back and forth in the infirmary of Vamp’s Lair where she was recovering from her wounds.  She had been brutally attacked by three very ancient, very deadly vampires.  She had held her own, but alas… they would have bested her, had it not been for Va’lis, Cassius, and Flavius.  They pulled her out in the nick of time, but they would be dammed to go home empty-handed. They went back in and risked the ancients summoning the rest of their ugly lot.  Against a pack of them, they would have all perished. But Pandora would not be leaving that dreadful mountain without Isonu. Isonu, who was good, just, and fair and so much a reflection of everything she wanted all her sons to be. No… her heart would not allow it.  And somehow they did it.  Isonu was now in my infirmary, recovering, but he had not regained consciousness yet.  This worried me. Worried her.

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A Razele Nonetheless, Pt. 2

the-mines-tokunoVa’lis summoned all his strength knowing I was not at full capacity. Using his Blood Magic, he was able to take out the youngest of them, which was a half-breed — how dreadful it must be to have your own blood incinerate you. Stefan and Illyana Draco would be much much harder.  This duo had been fighting for years together, they had it down to a science.  But luckily, I have the blood of Enkil in me… so even tired and half-drained, I’d still be one hell of a challenge!  They didn’t expect me to be so strong, the shock of my blows clearly adorned their faces. So they went after Va’lis… and well, me… sure come at me all you want, but you do not touch my family! With a ferocious hunger, I ripped through them as Va’lis used his greatest Blood Magic abilities to immobilize them enough so that I could rip their hearts out… one at a time.  Drenched in blood, we both pressed on knowing we had but minutes….  tired, and growing weaker and weaker by the minute — especially Va’lis whose powers draw on his own blood — but we couldn’t stop. We had to get Isonu!  A few younger guards accompanied by the Yomotsu came at us, we had to fight!

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A Razele Nonetheless

My eyes lit up at the sight of poor little Naomi cradled in her mother’s hands at Monticello.  I could sense the rise of Va’lis’ rage as he turned on his heel.  I demanded of Cherry to lock down the line in Monticello to get all the Razele’s in the house immediately!  I followed Va’lis out as he ported over to Zento.  We looked around and found traces of a fight just outside the city by the docks…  we followed it.

Finally, a large pool of blood that I could smell was Isonu’s greeted us at the edge of the south western shore. Va’lis stopped. “They’re gone… and took him.”  he said. “But he’s alive, right?” I paused for a moment, “Right? Va’lis.”  He stopped looking over the water, “Yes, I feel him still.”  With that, I started to strip to my bare necessities, Va’lis stood looking into the water, where you could see the traces of blood into the mist. He looked to me, “What are you doing?”  As I unbuckled my Gucci skirt letting it drop on the grass revealing my armor, “What does it look like I am doing? I am going after them!” Va’lis shook his head, “I am afraid I cannot let you do that.”  “Let me, Va’lis,” I smirked; he sighed. He knew he couldn’t physically stop me, “Go fetch Flavius, Cassius too.  I’ll need our elder vampires.” He just looked at me, as I walked backwards towards the edge of the water…. I disappeared into the water.

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