It was, I believe, the cherry blossoms that she liked most.
We’d left for Tokuno two days after my wounds had healed. Left family and friends and just… walked. I had promised her an indepth look at my homeland. Ever since I told her of how the moon rising looked, cresting the forests. The songs of the cranes as they swoop across the gently lapping waters at the shoreline. Or… of how the wind will dance around with cherry blossoms and surround you with their sweet calming scent.
Arms and armor we left behind, save for our twin Katanas. I, clad in a kimono of sunset red. Venora in her own, newly obtained kimono of robin egg blue. She had yet to become acustomed to traditional Tokuno clothing, and for the first day stumbled a bit. But with my hand in hers, by the next, one could swear she had grown up in the palace of the Empress herself.
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