An Honest Conversation

injecting-the-serumCherry walked into my office as I was trying to navigate the expedition of the application for the Razele Bloodline to be protected under House Romanus. She had something on her mind, “Oh sorry I can see you are busy, I’ll just… I’ll just come back some other time.” She said. I immediately put my papers aside and said, “Cherry get in here and sit down.” She did just that. People normally do what I tell them to do, but Cherry was special. Special to me.

She is my grandprogeny, made of my most humble of servants, Amroth de Plinius. I cried when I made him. So gentle, a god-fearing man of the cloth, but also a warrior in his own right. Amroth actually forwent the registration of his own line and let Cherry register the Spyergenanbaum line as its own bloodline, under House Romanus. And what she has done with it has been nothing short of remarkable. She makes Amroth proud every single day. She makes me proud every single day.

“What is it Cherry?” I asked. She hesitated a bit. “I desire more than anything to have a baby. And not just any baby, but a baby with the man I am so deeply in love with,” she said. I knew she wanted this so terribly badly, but I can see that it now consumes her. “Cher, right now its not a good time for you to be mortal and be in the midst of trying to get pregnant, don’t you think?” I asked her. Quite frankly it wasn’t a good time at all. I am facing quite possibly a tribunal for the murder of Kirk Draco at my hands, leaving our House vulnerable to retaliation. Threats has been made against Pandora and Mary. Our family needs Cherry at the helm of our army more than ever. She nodded, “I know its silly for me to think that I could be mortal for a year right now. I could quite possibly be a target just like Pand is, for who my husband is,” she said. I looked at her. She stared at me. “Marius if they take you away, who else could do this for us? No one. The secrets of the serum would die with you,” she said, “as would any hope of me ever being a real mother.” I sighed, for I knew she was right.

“I need to teach someone everything I know.  If anything just to be able to admister the serum.  I need to perfect it enough,” I said. Cherry nodded. “At least someone that could know how it all works, how to handle any complications, etc. but who?” She asked.  I thought of no one better than Va’lis. He was well studied, ambitious, and quick thinking.  But if it’s Va’lis… him transforming his own wife, I couldn’t live with myself if something happened. I need a back up to my own back up. I’d have to talk to Pandora and Va’lis. “I would need several people not just one,” I said.  Cherry nodded again. She stood up from the seat. She stopped and looked to me.

“Marius, we really would not know what to do without you. This coven needs you, relies on you. You cannot take matters into you own hands like you did.  It risks all of us.  You could have easily just incapacitated Kirk Draco without having to rip him apart.  What possessed you to do that?” She asked. And I knew she was right.  I opened up a can of worms that I cannot shove back closed.  But my love for Va’lis runs deep, I knew it. And as soon as that piece of filth boasted about raping his sire-daughter, I just lost it. “You know why, Cher. That man dared to throw his violation of this girl in my face. This young girl that has suffered so much already, one that Va’lis loves dearly.  I just couldn’t hold it together. And he meant to kill you!”  I said.  “But he didn’t because you came with us.  So what happened when we’re faced off yet again, but you are not there?” Cherry asked.  I sat that thinking on that for a while.  Cherry left, saying she was summoning Lars to her with some additional information and that she would report to me soon.

That question she left me with lingered.  Lingered enough to depress the hell out of me.