Retreating Our Aid

My beloved,

How I wish I could be there with you, I miss you terribly. I still urge you to reconsider leaving me and Bianca behind, but I understand why it was done.

A situation has arisen whilst you deal with the Draconians back in our world that I must tell you about.  I am effectively relinquishing our leases in South Jhelom as we will not be subjected to the extortion that the newly elected “governor” wishes to put us through.

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Request for Aid

parchment-letterI arrived at my office this morning to a letter that had been delivered via the Britannian Post.  I recognized the seal on it to be that of the official Crown Seal for the Royal Guard.  I opened it immediately.

I saw that it was from an old friend, Kalmar Erikkson. The Captain had been for the better part of a year nursing his leg wounds from Pirate Hawkeye Pike’s attack, as such he has resigned from his post.  It seems, now almost fully healed, he was back at the head of the Umbra regiment.

He needed my help.

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