Comedy Night, Friday 10/22 at 8 PM EST

Hello everyone!

CoD is once again hosting Comedy Night at our nightclub, the Vampire Lounge this Friday, Oct. 22nd at 8 PM EST. We invite all Catskills’ players to join us, no matter what play style you enjoy. We have a beautiful stage, fully equipped, just waiting for you guys to take it so you can make us all laugh! If you’d like to tell your jokes, please let CoD members know to get on the list of sets for the night. We’ll also be giving away gold and prizes for the best jokes of the night.

The Vampire Lounge is located in our city, Vamp’s Lair, in Malas. The coordinates are 32N, 2E. We occupy the old abandoned Orc Fort right off the road that connects Luna and Umbra, after the mountain pass.

We hope to see you guys all there!


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