I Await Thee


I knew Mary would run to Lestat.  I knew it.  And I didn’t mind one bit, Lestat is like the bratty kid in the family who everyone simply adores.  Lestat told me she would be spending a few days in New York, alone.  I respected that, as much as I wanted to run after her,  and just waited.  And waited.  I needed her like mortals need air to breathe.  Mary had become much more than just my muse, she was smart, sassy, and had grown strong.  I wanted nothing more than to keep her close.

Finally, she sent word she would be coming back to Sosaria.  So I dressed in my best suit and made way for the portal in Umbra.  I waited for her all day.  I wanted my face to be the first thing she saw as she stepped through.  And when she did… she was back to her natural blonde hair, dressed in a sexy little black dress looking very much like the rock star she is, some might even say she looks like a movie star. To me, she made me forget to breathe — quite literally.


Our eyes locked and it was all she wrote as we desperately fell into each other’s arms.  I knew at that very moment, this woman would be mine for the rest of whatever eternity we both would share.  That I could make her happy, that I could be her husband fully without reservation, that Pandora would respect this for once, for the first time in her life, that these two women would shape every decision I made on behalf of my family.  Oh how much power they had.  Pandora knew it, Mary would now learn it. The three of us would rule supreme.

I felt a peace, a peace that I so longed to feel in the last few weeks since news of the Draconians settling here broke, a peace I now knew I’d only ever feel in their arms — Pandora and Mary.  We’ve become the new Trinity.

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