Devotion to Love

merida-armand-kissThere is a certain feeling that I get when my wife looks at me, when I feel her mouth on mine, when she bites my lower lip. I cannot put my finger on it, but its not one I feel with any other. My devotion to her is eternal. I’ve never had a love like this; ever.  And I’ve searched for it for my entire life — both my mortal one and my immortal one. I can only hope that my daughters grow up to desire the love their parents’ share and do not settle for anything mediocre, as I had for so long in the past. I can only hope that my son grows up with a clear picture of what a real man should be, a partner to his lady. One that is in it with her, rather than a bystander.  But let’s not talk about my kids dating… no.  Not right now.

Right now, the focus for me is my amazingly beautiful wife, Meri. Did I mention she’s hot too? Oh yes, yes she is.  There are so many qualities in her that only I can see. I’ll give you an example, when I sit down and kick my boots off… in our closet, hey I am civilized… without being asked or anything she picks them up and puts them away for me.  I love that.  I love how when I go into my closet, my shirts and pants are neatly pressed and organized by color. I love that. I never run out of clean underwear or dress socks.  I love that. And when she goes shopping she almost always brings back something for me.  Like last night.

Last night my wife had been out shopping with our toddlers,  I had spent the day with my eldest daughter and my little neice.  She came home and we worked our toddlers into their pajamas.  Tony is 3, he’s potty trained and a bit easier so I let my wife handle him.  Rosie, our 2 year old, needed a clean diapear so I took charge on that.  Hey, I am a hands-on father and this is something I am used to.  Once they were settled, they were so tired they quickly fell asleep.  Then… my wife says to me, “I got something for you.”  I perked a brow, “Really now?”  She comes back into the room with a bag, hands it to me and then proceeded to sit on my lap.  I took a peak inside.

In my enthusiasm, I dug into the bag and found my wife had stopped in at the art supply store and gotten me some new brushes and paints.  At this alone I was excited!  I had been running out of some colors for a while and just had not had the time to stop in myself to replenish my stock.  This… this is why I love this woman.  She is so observant and thoughtful when no one is looking. She. Gets. Me.  But… that wasn’t all that was in the bag.  *wicked grin*

I pulled out something at the bottom, black lace… barely much of anything… held it up. “How’d that get in there?!” She asked, her eyes full of complete mischief.  I looked to her and couldn’t hide the shit-eating grin that now donned my face. “Must of been Tony,” she quipped. “Oh let’s blame our son for this why don’t we?” I retorted playfully. She laughed and the whole room echoed her laugh, or so it felt like to me.  I gently pushed her off my lap to a standing position, leaned forward on the foot bench we have near our bed. I gently lifted her dress skirt, standing up with it in my hands.  She looked at me, and locked eyes. She then raised her arms above her head… a gesture I know well.  So off came the dress. She kissed me, and it was one of those ravishing kisses she loves to give me, biting my lip and tugging at it playfully.  Instantly I felt her skin grow warm,  her special brand of magic no doubt working through her.  And with her skin, my desire also grew hot. But I am a strong willed man. I knew exactly what I wanted.

I slipped the lingerie over her, pullig it and tugging it down into place.  Then I bent down onto my heels, with a slight touch that sent her head tilting back and her hands onto my shoulders. I carefully and gently snapped the crotch of her negligee closed.  Then she snapped out of my grasp and ran out to the balcony where I paint. She loves to have me chase her and loves it even more when I catch her. So I oblidged and went after her. But she just stopped at the frame of the sliding door, “I want you to paint me wearing this.”  She walked backwards onto the wooden chaise I have sitting on the balcony.  Just for these moments.  Inspiration took hold and I did as she asked.



When I was finished, I showed it to her.  She smiled at me, “I think its the best one yet.”  Oh, I’ve heard that before. Almost every time I paint my wife, it just keeps getting better and better… kind of like our marriage.  After putting the painting away, I sat on that same bench drapping her legs over my lap.  I started to give her my famous foot massages, ones I give only her.  And then….

Well you can guess.