Governors Inaugural Ball, Sept 30th @ 8 PM EST


DATE: Monday Sept. 30th
PLACE: Lord Blackthorn’s Castle in Britain

With the permissions of our Emissaries, we will be holding the first ever Governor’s Inaugural Ball at Lord Blackthorn’s Castle for all the elected governors of the 4th quarter term of 2013.  Join us in this special “Black Tie” celebration at the castle, beginning at 8 PM by the eastern skies.

All our governors are encouraged to participate and prepare a speech, if they so like.  They will be granted the podium for their speech and thank you’s for 10 minutes each.

I realize we have not gotten our meeting with the King (he’s really busy), but we can still celebrate our victories with each other and our constituents and benefactors.

We hope to see you all there and bring your best designer clothes for the “Red Carpet Pictures”.


Ariana Erikkson, Gov. of Minoc

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