Miner’s Competition, Fund Raising in Minoc

minoc_minesIn my talks with the newly elected Governor of Minoc, Miss Ariana Erikkson, we’ve been detailing what we could do to raise funds for the city.  She feels since the town is predominantly a miner’s town, that we should focus on promoting that fact. I agree.

So she’s come up with the idea of holding a Miner’s Competition.  I have to admit I was intrigued.

Held on Friday October 11th, 2013 at 7:00 PM by the Eastern Skies!

It would be open to grandmaster miners for an entrance fee of 50,000 gold that is donated to the city.  Miners would be given (or they could provide) a packhorse and allowed 5 shovels. They would have to be completely empty of all other items including armor, jewelry, etc. — a simple robe would be provided.  A search would be done to ensure this. They have until all their shovels are used up. No special magical items (Miner’s Gloves, Gargoyle’s Pickaxe, and/or Prospector’s Tool) are allowed. The miner with the most ingots would be crowned the winner, with bonus given for special ingots as follows.

1 iron ingot = 1 point
1 dull copper ingot = 2 points
1 shadow ingot = 3 points
1 copper ingot = 4 points
1 bronze ingot = 5 points
1 golden ingot = 6 points
1 agapite ingot = 7 points
1 verite ingot = 8 points
1 valorite ingot = 9 points

Miners would get to keep their ingots, or they can donate them to the city for reputation with Minoc. Prizes would be as follows:

Gold Medal Winner — 1,000,000 gold donated by The Romanus Family — Special Title Given to the Winner: Gold Medal Winner of Minoc
Silver Medal Winner — 500,000 gold donated by the Trade and Commerce Commission — Special Title Given to 1st Runner Up: Silver Medal Winner of Minoc
Bronze Medal Winner — 100,000 gold donated by the Royal Britannian Guards — Special Title Given to the 2nd Runner Up: Bronze Medal Winner of Minoc

A commencement ceremony and speeches by the Govenor of Minoc, Miss Ariana Erikkson and by representatives of the three patrons that have donated to the contest: myself on behalf of our family,  Mr. Jonas Calahan, President of the Trade and Commerce Commission of Sosaria, and Capt. Kalmar Erikkson of the Royal Britannian Guards. Citizens of Minoc are encouraged to donate to the city and to enjoy the Winner’s Banquet — dancing, free ale, free food —  held after the event in the Barnacle Tavern of Minoc.  Come cheer on your favorite miner!

The schedule of events would be as follows:

7:00 PM to 7:30 PM EST — Commencement Ceremonies, Speeches.
7:30 PM to 8:00 PM EST — Preparations for the Competition
8:00 PM to 8:30 PM EST — Miner’s Competition, Finals
8:30 PM to 8:45 PM EST — Tally Marks, Winner Announcements
8:45 PM to 9:00 PM EST — Awards and Medal Ceremony
9:00 PM to Sun Up EST — The Winner’s Banquet Party

We hope that folks come from far and wide for this fun, promotional event that will help the town of Minoc engage in trade agreements and re-establish its RBG chapter for Minoc to improve the overall security of the town.



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