On the way back to the others I caught carrie in a tight hug. “Be strong sister, I’m with you, do us proud.” I kissed her cheek and watched her go to the stand to take her place. As I entered the room with the others I Immidiately hugged Va’lis. I hate the man sometimes but when I’m strong for too long I need my sire’s arms. I then sat with Pandora and hugged her. “I hope what I said was enough.” Her smile told me I did them proud. That was enough for me, The door to the box opened to reveal Maharet. I jumped into her arms immidiately, feeling her comfort. “You did well. David and Natasha have called a comfirment. Something is up their sleeves.” I looked to her and tilted my head. “What could it be?” Maharet shook her head, ” another witness perhaps.” I glanced at Va’lis for a moment and thought…well…this could go two ways.