The Tribunal of Marius de Romanus, Pt. 8

merida-devious-lookI watched as my sire dived in front of Marius. I was shocked that at one time we fought about fighting in this war with the Dracos…and now… he gives a shit? I laughed. I laughed hysterically and so hard. I watched as Danielle tried to stop Altais from rescuing Zeeke, it was GREAT! Their family was torn apart by this! And ours stood strong in the face of disaster. I clung to Carries arm. Making sure she knew I was there to protect her. One attempt at her life and I would blow them to hell.

I watched them haul Zeeke away, the anger in David’s eyes. The sadness and anger in Altais and Blasphemy. The humor in Guy, Frank and Danielle’s eyes. I would use this to my advantage somehow. If we couldn’t kill them, I’d so work to kill their spirit, just as they nearly killed mine and my sisters. I couldn’t wait for this…..