Garden With the Children



*OOC: I credit friends with the idea to do a garden for our orphans, they know who they are. Many thanks! Also anyone that would ever want to RP a small child in our orphanage or school, let us know!*

Cinco de Mayo Block Party



All players, all styles, are welcomed to join the Block Party! Come dressed in your best more colorful outfit and sample the goodies that the Romanus Family will be cooking up — recipes from Earth, like Tacos and Nachos and Salsa!

Be prepared for a hunt into Bedlam as well! For which you must have done the ENTRANCE QUEST…
—> <—

So be sure to have that done! See you guys there. ;)

St. Patrick’s Day Celebration, 2014

st-patrick-dayYes, we realize its a day early but to make way for the PvP Tournament and RBG Initiations happening on the 17th, we’re holding it one day earlier. So come dressed in your best “GREEN” and be sure to bring your luck with you!

WHERE: The Bloody Brew Tavern at the Lair
WHEN: Sunday, March 16th, @ 9 PM EST

– Dart Shooter’s Contest
– Best of 5 Attempts
– First Place Prize: 10 million gold
– Second Place Prize: 1 million gold
– Third Place Prize: 100,000 gold

We hope to see you there!

~ Sue.