Happy Birthday CoD!

On this day, 18 years ago we officially reformed as The Children of Darkness on Catskills, taking the abbreviation CoD.  We had originally formed on what was called the Eastern shard at launch, which was renamed to Atlantic, and recruited a few folks that moved with us to Catskills on launch day.

When it launched I remember that we all went mining for weeks on end to funnel all our iron ingots to Amroth (Adam) who within days become GM Smith, the first of our shard, all out of a small house right behind Lord Blackthorn’s old castle.  Through him we raised the money to place our beloved Vamp’s Lair Castle and later on we acquired the Spirit Tower when a friend gave me his account and those become our base of operations.  Slowly through time we acquired more buildings surrounding Vamp’s Lair, a keep (The Blood Keep), and 4 Towers, 2 2-stories, 2 villas, a log cabin (the first Bloody Brew), and several other houses for a total of 17 houses.  We turned Vamp’s Lair into an open-to-the-public mall of vendors, having 82 vendors offering goods and services for ALL players — including murderers as long as they kept the peace in our town, which they did — and went on to hold many tournaments and took over the PvP Ladder from UDL which we ran for 3 years after the first 2 years that UDL held it.

We have made many friendships, some have been long-standing lifelong friendships — you know who you are — and we have loved every minute of what our gaming organization (named The Last Prophecy) has been able to do together.  So here’s to many more birthdays, TLP/CoD!

For anyone that wants to know more about TLP, please visit our main site: www.TLP-guild.com  — we’re a fully sponsored gaming organization spanning more than twenty MMO’s with over 900 players worldwide (and other types of games too, like League of Legends). Sponsored by the likes of ASUS, Amazon, YouTube, Green Man Gaming, Steam, and soon we hope to add Razer to that list.  So yeah when I am not UO’ing, I am CEO’ing. 😀