I walked into the emptiness of Romanus Manor. Cherry had gone back to where she belonged, with her husband. I felt the chill of the air that runs through the whole house more so than ever before. I miss him. With every fiber of my being, with every pore of my preternatural flawless skin, I look at my hands… my left ring finger that adorns several stacks of rings, all with such different meanings and capturing such memories for me. One in particular… an eternal band of small round diamonds… stands out for me. It was the ring he gave me when we adopted our daughters, Saralyn and Brelynn. Oh how I miss them. They humanized me in a way that no other had ever before, or after. I became a mother. My heart opened and embraced the very many facets of this prism of life because of my girls. Marius said to me when he gave me this ring…
“No other love will ever be like my own as the love of our twins… and the love of the many more we will have for eternity blesses us with this joy a thousand times over.”