I saw the desperation in his eyes, I knew he needed me. I couldn’t say no. I stood up and quietly followed him out the side door. We walked for what seemed like forever, ducking into the nooks and crannies of the underground lair. Then finally he turned around where he felt comfortable. I crossed my arms, leaned on the wall and began to speak… but he stopped me. The touch of his finger on my lips lit the fire in me like no other man could ever do. Not even for Lucius, my favorite progeny, did I ever feel this for. “No. Let me say what I need to say first,” he continued, “and then you can scream, hit , yell or do whatever you want to me.” he said. What came next was a flood of confessions and apologies for which the sincerity couldn’t be faked. He spoke of love, like he really knew what that word meant. I almost believed him. I listened to all of it until he turned to me pleading for a response.
The Draconians
The Tribunal of Marius de Romanus, Pt. 11
I saw him pacing, he would soon wear right through the floor. The tensions were running high. As we sat there listening to the testimony of Maharet, every time they mention that I or Merida are considered, “rogues” I sensed his anger level skyrocket. My poor sire was going to lose it. I squeezed Cherry’s hand, she squeezed back as she looked towards Va’lis. On my other side was Rich, my husband who gave me a supportive smile then followed my gaze. He too worried for Va’lis, he had grown to really like him. I read his thoughts, I was developing my gifts with Cherry’s help. His panic about allowing the marriage of Rich and I made me so sad. I— I had to go comfort him. I came up behind him and hugged him tight. My emotions pouring out of me. Did he know that allowing me to have Rich in my life was the single best thing he had ever done for me? Rich balanced me, Rich propelled me to master my thirst, Rich provided security and stability, and most importantly Rich assured me that my life, the plans for it, could certainly continue onward… that yes some things were different but him and I could still have our life together. What a gift that was! It was not a mistake at all!!!
He wiped away my tears, and with it my fears, and walked me back over to my seat. He lightly patted Rich’s shoulder but moved past us to Cherry. He needed her. Hell the Razele family needed her! She was our mother, our protector, our teacher when Va’lis could not. She really is the other half of him. Ohhh, Va’lis how I hope you can make it right and stay right. She needs you too, you know!
The Tribunal of Marius de Romanus, Pt. 10
I hate waiting on things. Most of the time anyway, especially for things like this. I get anxious when I am forced to wait. And so to pass the time, I began pacing. Back and forth while the others sat around or spoke with one another. I was determined to leave a worn area upon the floor.
Cherry of course was watching me, perhaps wondering what I was thinking. Not that I deserved her thoughts after I wronged her, I know I fucked up but I did want to fix things. It is just hard for me to admit such weakness. Often I doubt that I deserved her love in the first place. So many worries and so little time, one at a time Va’lis… One at a time.
My pacing continued and still her eyes watched me, Carrie watched as well and I could feel her worry from across the room. Another I wronged, and if I had been a better sire perhaps none of this would have happened. I could have forbidden her to marry him so soon after she was brought into this life. She was young and learning still, but instead I gave her what she wanted. Not what she needed.
Another mistake.
The Tribunal of Marius de Romanus, Pt. 8
I watched as my sire dived in front of Marius. I was shocked that at one time we fought about fighting in this war with the Dracos…and now… he gives a shit? I laughed. I laughed hysterically and so hard. I watched as Danielle tried to stop Altais from rescuing Zeeke, it was GREAT! Their family was torn apart by this! And ours stood strong in the face of disaster. I clung to Carries arm. Making sure she knew I was there to protect her. One attempt at her life and I would blow them to hell.
I watched them haul Zeeke away, the anger in David’s eyes. The sadness and anger in Altais and Blasphemy. The humor in Guy, Frank and Danielle’s eyes. I would use this to my advantage somehow. If we couldn’t kill them, I’d so work to kill their spirit, just as they nearly killed mine and my sisters. I couldn’t wait for this…..