Getting Back What Belongs to Us, Pt. 13

Taranis sat on a hilltop overlooking the lands where he would have been born had things gone differently.  Fog drifted across the meadow below  and through the forests beyond, lending a certain ethereal beauty, though some apparently considered such days to be gloomy.  He came here often to think when on Earth and it relaxed him.

His reverie was shattered by a sudden sense of panic from Astoria.  Before she came into his life, such as it was, panic and many other basic human experiences were foreign concepts to him.  Taranis traveled swiftly through the spirit world toward her, arriving just in time to see the woman who had taught him the meaning of love being drained of life.  In that moment, unable to manifest physically in this world, Taranis McKairin came to understand a new feeling:  helplessness.

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Getting Back What Belongs to Us, Pt. 12

paris-france-pallisadesLouis sat and waited. He was watched the window like he longed for the sun to come through it. Maharet had returned and Marius was running after her. He could hear what they were saying, or rather what Marius was saying.

Lestat sat up and went to follow Marius, he longed for news of Merida whom he had gotten close due to Saphira’s talents.  Louis was quick to grab him, “Where do you think you’re going?” Louis questioned his lover and maker. Lestat stopped and looked at him, “Why do we wait on the elders to make their move?” “Because those are the rules, Lestat. We follow the rules. And until Marius comes in here to tell us to move, we sit. We wait.” Louis’ loyalty annoyed him but Lestat knew he was right. To question Marius’ or worse Maharet’s decisions would shake the foundation on which we built our coven and all the bloodlines in it. 

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Getting Back What Belongs to Us, Pt. 11

merida_douglas_portraitI remained calm in my small inadequate prison. 24 hours..a few hours have passed now I know. I could feel him coming. David. He was such a bore. A handsome one..but a bore none the less. He presented “gifts” to me. My brothers sword, that both pissed me off and scared the shit out of me. My beloved Isonu… he was so young… helpless against them. Venora. Poor Venora she was still newborn! And my little niece… Naomi. No I cannot let this happen. I felt rage when seeing Helen and Astoria. I watched zeeke brutally murder Helen. They took Astoria away. No, I can’t let her be harmed. She was family. We loved her. At the sight of my children’s belongings I shattered. No, not my children.

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Getting Back What Belongs to Us, Pt. 10

tower-of-london-white-towerDavid carried a small, long chest with him as he entered the room holding Merida. Smiling without humor, he nodded to her as means of greeting while he circled her prison once. Eyes, alight with cruel intentions never broke away from hers. He radiated malice and with barely a sound he placed the chest upon the table in the room.

Finally, minutes later, he broke the silence.

“Good evening Merida, I trust you’ve enjoyed your stay with us thus far?”

Her sneer somehow suited her, it reflected the duality of her nature. Two sides of a coin. The proper, well off Baroness. And the savage terror that slumbered just beneath the surface, ready to surface at a moments notice. He was counting on that savage portion. He needed the rage. Rage could be beaten into submission, forced to reveal all.

Rage, gave way to mistakes.

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Getting What Belongs to Us, Pt. 9

astoriaI hurried the servants as quickly as I could. After Pandora and Bianca came for the kids I knew I needed to get to Armand’s side quickly. With Merida being kidnapped I knew he was a mess. I’ve come to love my new family. Armand easily became my best friend along with his beloved wife. on earth my powers are limited if not non-existent. I could still see spirits, I could communicate with them, but I could not perform a single spell. I’ve learned to cope. Armand, Merida and their beautiful children mean more to me then anything else.

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Getting Back What Belongs to Us, Pt. 8

solderini-franchessi-villa-venice-frontZeeke made her way through the villa in Venice, carefully searching every room. She came to the realization that the children were no longer in the house. David would be disappointed if she came back empty handed. She saw that several staff members were still lingering in the house, packing up as quickly as they can on orders to retreat to the Parisian compound. One of them had just returned from what seemed like a long trip, she was commanding the others to make haste. Young and beautiful, they called her Astoria.

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Getting Back What Belongs to Us, Pt. 7

maharetAs I returned to the Palisades, immediately Marius accosted me. “Were you able to negotiate the release of our kin?” I didn’t respond and continued my walk towards my quarters where I knew Khayman was awaiting my return and my orders. Marius followed me, “M’lady I urge upon you for some news,” he pressed. Once I opened the door to the chambers I gazed upon Khayman’s face. My sister still kept her distance from him so she had stood outside, but now followed Marius and I in.

Khayman spoke in our ancient Kemetian. I nodded and finally turned to Marius, “If Merida is not released by midnight this next evening, Khayman and I will walk in and retrieve her.”

Marius nodded in agreement, “what of Carrie?” “She is not our concern, Marius. She is not a Romanus nor is she tied to us in any way. I will not risk a war with our sire-brother if it does not directly affect our coven houses.” Marius eyes gleamed a bit. He seemed disappointed. “Marius, Merida is Armand’s wife and my protégé, there is a clear line of succession there and David knows this. This newborn is really a non-entity.”

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Getting Back What Belongs to Us, Pt. 6

paris-frace-gun-cellarBack at the gun cellar, Marius and Armand go in on each other and a full screaming match ensues behind that now sealed door. Even Cherry has to stand in the middle and break it up a few times.  All the while, Va’lis sits in a corner thinking of his next move.  He really desired to get his magic working on Earth, to no avail but none the less.  The thought of it helped him calm down, regroup, and focus.  And when Va’lis is calm, he’s even more dangerous. Something Pandora’s taught him to do.  “Look at a problem from all angles,” she would say to him, “Focus on all the countermoves.”  How he appreciated her teachings in these moments. Va’lis had come to realize that a proper sire was an invaluable part of his life that had been missing for so long.  He missed the bond with Pandora; now more than ever.

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Getting Back What Belongs to Us, Pt. 5

maharet-wildMaharet is cool as cucumber. You really think she would allow anyone to kill her protego? Heck no. As soon as David hears that Merida is bonded to Maharet, it would send him into a mediocre panic. It’s his sire-sister, he knows just what she’s capable of just as much as Maharet knows that David craves power, by any means he gets it. She knows of his plans for human enslavement, and has never agreed with it. She also has backed the Romanus clan for many millennia; that’s not going to stop any time soon. She doesn’t get involved in the day to day issues and trusts Marius to run things, but this isn’t an ordinary issue. This is Merida.

To Maharet, she couldn’t care less about a newborn so Carrie isn’t a concern to her at all. For her, it’s all about her protego. She sees Merida as the carrier to her genetics and her Elementalist power. Like Cherry, who has the gene but dormant. Cherry has no interest in awaking it, but Merida came to her so eager to learn and improve. It played right into her ego. And while she admits that the Razele line may have some unique powers of its own, it is not a comparison to the Elementalist power. David is always been jealous of it because it is not replicable in any way; you either have the gene or you do not. Period. It is also why David fears the Twins so grievously. Maharet might be able to just walk in there, sit down and demand he release Merida and David will probably do it to avoid her and her sister’s wrath. But she would leave Carrie to rot. That is Va’lis’ problem, not hers.

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Getting Back What Belongs to Us, Pt. 3



I’ve always been a hot headed woman, even growing up in the darkness that is Wind with my mentor, and father, Val’is. When it came to the situation of my new sire sister being kidnapped by the Draco’s, it was no different. I felt rage in the pit of my stomach. No one screwed with my bloodline. Just because I bonded to my fire mother, Maharet, didn’t mean I forgot where I came from. Or who my family was.

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